Not Satisfactory definition

Not Satisfactory means:
Not Satisfactory means: Level 1: Unsatisfactory - Receiving a summative score of 1 is not considered satisfactory performance for all teachers. Level 2: Basic- If the classroom teacher is on a continuing contract with more than five years of teaching experience and if a summative score of 2 has been received two years in a row or two years within a consecutive three-year period, the teacher is not considered performing at a satisfactory level.
Not Satisfactory means that a three month recovery plan need to be proposed by the supervisor and approved by the student. If not adhered to by the student, his or her contract will be terminated.

Examples of Not Satisfactory in a sentence

  • Not Satisfactory shall mean: Level 1: Unsatisfactory – Receiving a summative score of one (1) is not judged satisfactory.

More Definitions of Not Satisfactory

Not Satisfactory means a Level 1, unsatisfactory, rating, or, for classroom teachers with more than five years teaching experience, a Xxxxx 0, xxxxx, rating, received for two years within the previous three-year period.
Not Satisfactory for Track 1 teachers shall mean:
Not Satisfactory means: 44
Not Satisfactory means:  Provisional Teachers and Teachers with five (5) years or less teaching experience in the State of Washington:
Not Satisfactory means: 3 (1) Provisional Teachers and Teachers with five (5) years or less teaching experience in the 4 State of Washington: 6 ▪ Receiving a summative score of one (1) is not considered satisfactory 7 performance. 9 (2) Continuing Contract Teachers with more than five (5) years teaching 10 experience in the State of Washington. 11
Not Satisfactory means: 3 (1) Provisional Teachers and Teachers with five (5) years or less teaching experience in the 4 State of Washington: 6 ! Receiving a summative score of one (1) is not considered satisfactory 7 performance. 9 (2) Continuing Contract Teachers with more than five (5) years teaching 10 experience in the State of Washington. 11 12 ! Receiving a summative score of Unsatisfactory (one (1)) is not considered 13 satisfactory performance. 14 15 ! Receiving a summative score of Basic two (2), for two years in a row or 16 two years within a consecutive three-year period, is not considered 17 satisfactory performance. 18
Not Satisfactory means a Level 1, unsatisfactory, rating, or, for classroom teachers with more than five years teaching experience, a Level 2, basic, rating, received for two years within the previous three-year period.