All Teachers. All teachers shall be evaluated at least once each school year based on at least two (2) formal observations and classroom walkthroughs, except as provided below.
All Teachers. Assignment to a supervised study period shall be considered a teaching period for purposes of this Article. Time prior to the start of classes and after the end of students’ classes are still part of the Teacher's work day and will continue to be used as in the past.
All Teachers. All teachers shall be in their duty area ten (10) minutes before the opening of the school day and five (5) minutes at the end of the school day.
All Teachers. Each teacher should be evaluated at least once every year. The first evaluation shall be based upon at least two observations.
All Teachers. The observed classroom performance of each teacher shall be evaluated by his/her building principal or assistant principal and/or special education director (evaluator). Upon request of the teacher, for each evaluation initiated by the administration, an additional evaluation shall be conducted by a District administrator selected by the teacher. The following minimum standards shall be followed in all teacher evaluations:
a. The initial evaluation of a teacher shall not take place during the first twenty
All Teachers. Where a change in assignment is required during a program year because of a teacher vacancy, the Executive Director, Supervisor and Worker may agree to delay the effective date of the change of assignment to a date not later than the beginning of the next school year. In that event, the Employer may fill the vacancy with a temporary person.
All Teachers. A minimum of two (2) and maximum of four (4) walkthrough observations and at least two (2) classroom observations which shall be made according to the following schedule:
1. A minimum of 14 school days between the first observation and second.
2. Thirty (30) minute observations include a pre- observation conference and post observation conference.
All Teachers. (a) A teacher shall be evaluated only by persons certified by the New Jersey State Board of Examiners, to supervise instruction, or by others otherwise permitted by NJSA 18-A.
(b) Conferences following observations shall normally be held with the teacher within ten (10) school days of the observation. Such conferences are intended to review pertinent factors relating to the strengths and weaknesses of the teacher's performance. In each of the areas where deficiencies are indicated, the administrators shall offer their assistance for correction and the improvement of instruction.
(c) A teacher shall be given a copy of any class visit or evaluation report prepared by his/her evaluators at least one (1) day before any conference to discuss it. No such report shall be submitted to the central office, placed in the teacher's file or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the teacher. No teacher shall be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation form. Complaints against teachers must be handled according to the procedure as written in Board of Education policy.
All Teachers. (1) District administrators shall conduct an evaluation of each teacher subject to this procedure at least annually. Each evaluation shall include: 1) two (2) cycles of formal observations of at least thirty
All Teachers. 1. Teachers shall supervise students as they enter and leave the classroom, as well as providing general supervision to all children in their proximity during the teacher workday.