NQF level definition
Examples of NQF level in a sentence
Recognition is only granted in cases where the modules are on the same NQF level (NQF5), where the credit values are of the same value (12), and where content is comparable.
This module is on NQF level 5 and worth 12 credits (additional credits).
Credit exemption will be considered only per successful completed subject or module that is on the same NQF level as the equivalent subject offered at Centurion Academy, and with at least 80% similarity in outcomes and content.
Recognition is only granted in cases where the modules are on the same NQF level (NQF5), where the credit values are the same value (12), and where content is comparable.iv.
The percentage of working age adults with qualifications at NQF level 4+ has risen since 2001.
The programme is targeting university graduates who would have studied film or TV at NQF Level(7) (Bachelor’s degree) or Diploma at NQF level (6) and need to be exposed to industry experience, practical application of film and TV skills in various areas of speciality and best practice in the industry.
The managing principal of the contractor, namely, a sole proprietor, the senior partner, the managing director or managing member of a close corporation, as relevant, having a contractor grading designation of 1CE, 2CE, 3CE and 4CE shall have personally completed, or for the period 1 April 2004 to 30 June 2006 be registered on a skills programme for the NQF level 2.
Candidates may also be granted recognition at another institution, provided that candidates who are already in possession of a first qualification shall be granted recognition towards a second qualification at the same or at a lower NQF level in respect of modules previously completed only up to a maximum of half of the prescribed credits required for a second qualification.
Admission Requirements:All students entering the PhD programme need to demonstrate the completion of a Research Methods course at least at NQF level 7 in the 10 years prior to application.Students who wish to be considered for the PhD in Visual Arts need to have completed one of the following:- An MA in the field of Visual Art and Design, such as Photography, Fashion, Graphic Design and Multimedia, or Fine Arts.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical Engineering is a postgraduate qualification at NQF level 8 (Min 120 credits at level 8).