Relevant Level definition

Relevant Level means, in respect of an Inflation Index and a Reference Month, the level of such Inflation Index in respect of such Reference Month as published by the Inflation Index Sponsor.
Relevant Level means, subject as referred to in relation toAveraging Date”, “Observation Date”, “Valuation Date”, Automatic Early Expiration Valuation Date “Knock-in Determination Day” or “Knock-out Determination Day” as the case may be in the case of an Index, an amount equal to the official closing level of the Index as calculated and published by the Index Sponsor or, in relation to a Composite Index, the official closing level of such Index as calculated and published by the relevant Index Sponsor, in each case as determined by the Calculation Agent or, if so specified in the Issue Terms, the level of the Index determined by the Calculation Agent as set out in the Issue Terms at the Valuation Time on (i) if Averaging is not specified in the Issue Terms, the relevant Settlement Level Date, or (ii) if Averaging is specified in the Issue Terms, each Averaging Date
Relevant Level means a degree of disability of 30%.

Examples of Relevant Level in a sentence

  • If the relevant Final Terms specify that the Average Index Level is used to determine the Relevant Level, these levels will be used instead of the Observation Index Level.

  • The calculations which are required to be made to calculate the Final Redemption Amount, will be based on the level of the Index or the levels of the Indices (the "Relevant Level") determined by the Calculation Agent.

  • RIGHTS OF AN UNPAID SELLER AGAINST ‘THE GOODS’ An unpaid seller’s right against the goods are: (a) RIGHT OF LIEN(Sections 47-49 and 54)An unpaid seller in possession of goods sold, may exercise his lien on the goods, i.e., keep the goods in his possession and refuse to deliver them to the buyer until the fulfilment or tender of the price in cases where:(iii) the buyer becomes insolvent.

  • If the Relevant Level in respect of the Reference Month relating to an Interest Accrual Period is lower than Relevant Level(Initial), the Rate of Interest applicable to the Notes for such Interest Accrual Period will however be a minimum of the Coupon Percentage multiplied by the Floor.

  • Upon such a replacement, such Successor Index will be used as a substitute for the original Reference Index for all purposes, including, but not limited to, for purposes of determining the Closing Level and the Relevant Level of such Reference Index, all relevant calculations set forth in the applicable Pricing Supplement and whether a Market Disruption Event, Hedging Disruption Event or Change in Law Disruption Event exists with respect to such Reference Index.

More Definitions of Relevant Level

Relevant Level has the meaning set out in the definition ofDelayed Index Level Event” above.
Relevant Level means, for any Inflation Index, the level of such Inflation Index which is published or announced for a Reference Month and which is relevant for the determination of the Inflation Factor.
Relevant Level means the level of the Index as determined by the Calculation Agent at Valuation Time on any Valuation Date, using as specified in the applicable Final Terms, either
Relevant Level means a degree of disability of 30% ”. On the question, That the words to be deleted be deleted. Question — put.The Committee divided. Question thus passed. Question, That the words to be substituted be substituted — put and passed. Section 93D(1), as amended, substituted.Section 93D(2). Hon Nick Griffith s moved — Page 4 — To delete all the words appearing after the word “paragraphs ” where is last occurs. Debate ensued. On the question, That the words to be deleted be deleted. Question — put. The Committee divided. (Ayes 13)Hon Kim Chance Hon Norm KellyHon John Cowdell Hon Mark NevillHon Cheryl Davenport Hon Ljiljanna RavlichHon Ed Dermer Hon Jim ScottHon Nick Griffith s Hon Giz WatsonHon Tom Helm Hon Bob Thomas (Teller)Hon Helen Hodgson (Noes 12) Hon Murray Criddle Hon N F MooreHon Bruce Donaldson Hon Murray NixonHon Max Evans Hon Greg SmithHon Peter Foss Hon Derrick TomlinsonHon Ray Halligan Hon Muriel Patterson (Teller)Hon Barry House Hon Murray Montgomery Question thus passed. Section 93D(2), as amended, substituted. Section 93D(3) to (11) substituted.Section 93E(1). Hon Helen Hodgson moved — Page 6 — In the definition oftermination day ” — To delete the figure “6” and substitute the following figure —
Relevant Level has the meaning set out in the definition of "Delayed Index Level Event" above.
Relevant Level means the Final Index Level or the Average Index Level as is specified as such in the relevant Final Terms;
Relevant Level means, in respect of any Averaging Date, the level of the Index as determined by the Calculation Agent as of the Valuation Time on such Averaging Date.