Nuclear fuel cycle definition
Examples of Nuclear fuel cycle in a sentence
Nuclear fuel cycle and waste classification, spent fuel storage and transportation, high level waste disposal, low level waste disposal.
Nuclear fuel cycle of Iran includes uranium exploration, mining, U3O8 production, uranium conversion, uranium enrichment and fuel fabrication, which have been started from several years ago, and have been achieved different physical progresses in these years.
Nuclear fuel cycle technologies have the potential to improve further on these attributes, and to permit the benefits of nuclear power generation to be enjoyed for a longer period of time.
Nuclear fuel cycle facilities related to commercial power generation, including 2 enrichment facilities, 4 fuel manufacturing facilities, 2 reprocessing facilities, 2 disposal facilities are in operation or under construction.
Nuclear fuel cycle: for the purpose of this policy, the nuclear fuel cycle comprises the following activities: uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, used fuel recycling and/or storage and disposal of nuclear waste.