Examples of Nutrition assessment in a sentence
Nutrition assessment and counseling shall include:♦ Initial assessment of nutritional risk based on height, current and pre-pregnancy weight status, laboratory data, clinical data, and self-reported dietary information.
Nutrition AssessmentThe State and local agency ensure that staff perform a comprehensive nutrition assessment using Value Enhanced Nutrition Assessment (VENA) policy and guidance to provide quality nutrition services in a participant-centered framework and to determine program eligibility.Purpose: Nutrition assessment is necessary to link collected health and diet information to risk assessment and the delivery of appropriate and personalized nutrition interventions that lead to improved health outcomes.
Nutrition assessment, counselling and support that includes food assistance to PLHIV will help to promote adherence to antiretroviral treatment and ensure that the nutritional status of this vulnerable, at-risk population does not decline further.
Nutrition assessment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Nutrition assessment and counseling shall include:♦ Initial assessment of nutritional risk based on height, current and prepregnancy weight status, laboratory data, clinical data, and self-reported dietary information.