Examples of OFC route in a sentence
Contractor is expected to relay the OFC route including laying of PLB pipes, pulling OFC and jointing of the cable for UPTO MAXIMUM 1% OF THE ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF ROUTE LENGTH PER ANNUM in order to maintain the SLA parameters.
For every 300 Km of OFC route minimum one FRT (Fault Repair Team) is to be provided.
Under no circumstances shall any stretch of the OFC route be left unpatrolled on any grounds whatsoever.
Under no circumstances shall any stretch of the OFC route be left un- patrolled on any grounds whatsoever.
Besides this, OFC route drawings handed over to the contractor at the time of award of work shall be updated fully and submitted to RailTel, both in Hard and Soft copy as given by RailTel incorporating the various changes occurred during the contract period.
Outsourced Agency is expected to relay the OFC route including laying of PLB pipes, pulling OFC and jointing of the cable for UPTO MAXIMUM 1% OF THE ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF ROUTE LENGTH PER ANNUM in order to maintain the SLA parameters.
Specification for OFC route survey, attached with Contract Document, shall be used during execution of work.
No No Allowed (Mandatory) Special Technical Criteria S.No.DescriptionConfirmation RequiredRemarks AllowedDocuments Uploading 1Tenderers should have: (a) Performed OFC route maintenance for a continuous stretch of more than 150 Kms (One hundred fifty kilometres) for a minimum period of 6 (six) months in the past three financial years & current year before the date of opening of tender.
The documentation, consisting of the following shall be prepared for each Block and the Panchayats connected to the Block/ each OFC route connected to the exchange/ main OFC route, 4 sets of documentation shall be provided both in Electronic format on CD as well as Hard bind copy.24.1. Route Index Diagrams –General: This diagram shall consist of Cable Route Details on Geographical Map drawn to scale with prominent land marks and alignment of cable with reference to road.
In any such event, the Secretary shall promptly file or cause to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware an amendment to the Certificate reflecting such change of name.