Offer Page definition
Examples of Offer Page in a sentence
Offerors are to indicate on the Offer Page of this solicitation either "Yes" (County employee is associated with your business), or "No." If “Yes”, Offerors must provide the name(s) of the County employee(s) and the position(s) County employee(s) hold within your business where indicated.
The authorized signature on the hard copy Offer Page OF-1 shall be an original signature in ink.
By signing the Offer Page, the Bidder agrees that they have familiarized themselves with the Scope of Work, applicable laws and regulations, and any other factors affecting performance of the work to the best of their knowledge.
Offer Page: Bidder shall completely fill out Blocks 11 through 22C.
Bidders are to indicate on the Offer Page of this solicitation either "Yes" (County employee is associated with your business), or "No." If “Yes”, bidders must provide the name(s) of the County employee(s) and the position(s) County employee(s) hold within your business where indicated.
If you’re a member of SAG-AFTRA or have opted to participate in SAG-AFTRA Health and Retirement and you plan to personally perform narration services for an eligible audiobook (instead of subcontracting a narrator) for which you’ve received an offer for a Royalty Share Deal during the Stipend Offer Period, you may accept the offer subject to contributions to your SAG-AFTRA Health and Retirement account (“H&R”) by clicking the “Accept with SAG-AFTRA H&R” button on the Production Offer Page.
Offeror is requested to submit the bid under the company’s exact legal name as registered with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, if applicable, and to indicate exact legal name in the appropriate space on Offer Page OF-1.
To be eligible for the 5% resident preference, the bidder shall include a copy of their certificate with their bid and in-state resident preference number on the Bid Offer Page, pursuant to Section 13-1-21 XXXX 0000.
The tenderer shall quote his rate as a percentage above or below or at par with the Schedule of Rates except where he is required to quote item rates and must quote for all the items in the Schedule of Quantities as appearing in the Financial Offer Page.
To be considered for the 10% resident veteran business preference, the bidder shall include a copy of their certificate with their bid and resident veteran preference number on the Bid Offer Page, pursuant to Section 13-1-21 XXXX 0000.