Examples of Open Air Burning in a sentence
All owners and renters of Short-term Rental Accommodations are responsible for compliance with all other Town of Huntsville by-laws (including, but not limited to the following: Noise By- law, Waste By-law, Open Air Burning By-law, etc.).
The magnetic field produced from the cen- tral star is a dipole and decreases in strength as the cube of the distance.
Following item 11 (Open Air Burning Bylaw 2015 review) item 12 (Municipal Endowment Lease - Freeholding - 258 Fox Street) was taken to accommodate Elected Member availability.
CARRIEDResolution No. 152-20THAT By-law 20-035, being a by-law to amend By-law 17-35 to regulate the setting and maintaining of Open Air Burning for the Corporation of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills.
Upon receipt of a permit, as described in Section 3.1 of this By-law, no person shall conduct or permit to be conducted a non-recreational Open Air Burning in the rural area without first notifying the Pelham Fire Department in person or by telephone and complying with the provisions of Section 3.1 and Section 3.2 of the By-law.