Examples of Order 719 in a sentence
The Market Monitoring Unit may (i) provide, or assist the ISO’s efforts to develop, the inputs required to conduct mitigation, and (ii) assist the ISO’s efforts to conduct “retrospective” mitigation (see Order 719 at PP.
Those protests largely repeated arguments previously made and answered, but also sought to re-litigate whether New England arrangements satisfy the FERC’s Order 719 requirements, and premised their Order 719 and other arguments and requests for relief on misunderstandings both of NEPOOL’s position and of the applicable law.
Shah Hossain, Westar)o Shah Hossain (Westar) presented PRR 216 (Attachment 24 – PRR216 Notification of New Registration) and explained its purpose was to change the Protocol language for compliance with FERC Order 719.
Final Rule, Order 719, Wholesale Competition in Regions with Organized Electric Markets", 18 CFR Part 35, Issued October 17, 2008.
Additional clarifications of the MMU responsibility are described in FERC Order 719, October 2008.
WSR 07-15-064 (Order 612), § 230-13-140, filed 7/16/07, effective 1/1/08.] Re- pealed by WSR 16-09-045 (Order 719), filed 4/15/16, effective 7/15/16.
This group was created in 2009 as a result of FERC’s Order 719 which required that RTOs facilitate the consideration of consumer interests in determining the needs and solutions for theregion’s power system.
In12 addition, as a result of FERC Order 719 (issued on October 17, 2008) and FERC Order13 745 (issued on March 15, 2011) additional charge types have been included for14 recovery.
The RDRP is scheduled to be implemented by spring 2012.59 The CAISO developed the PDR product pursuant to the FERC Order 719, which directed the CAISO to remove tariff impediments that may prevent retail electricity customers from bidding their DR capabilities directly into wholesale markets if the state or other local regulatory authority approved such bidding by retail customers under their jurisdiction.
On November 9, 2009, the Commission opened Phase IV of this proceeding11 to address issues resulting from FERC Order 719, described above.