spoil means excavated material which is unsuitable for use as material in the construction works or is material which is surplus to the requirements of the construction works;
spoil means excess material removed as overburden or generated during road or landing construction which is not used within limits of construction.
spoil means overburden and other materials, excluding topsoil, coal mine waste, and mined coal, that are excavated during surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
More Definitions of spoil
spoil means overburden that has been removed during surface coal mining operations.
spoil means excess material removed as overburden or generated during road or landing construction that is not used within the limits of construction;
spoil means all waste material and debris connected with open-cut mining and with the mechanical removal, cleaning and preparation of materials at the mine site;
spoil means overburden removed during the mining operation to expose the mineral and does not include the marketable mineral, subsoil or topsoil.
spoil means excess soil, rock or other material excavated during forestry activities;
spoil means overburden removed during the mining operation to expose