Examples of OTF in a sentence
With the admission of the applicant as trading participant or with the conclusion of an agreement on participation in trading at the EEX OTF, respectively, EEX AG accepts the applicant’s offer.
View Only access is provided for three months and can be renewed once for a further three months’ period if admission to trading on EEX or membership of the EEX OTF has been applied for.
EEX AG charges the following fees for this temporary View Only access: Trading participants can gain permanent View Only access to the trading systems of the EEX (including the EEX OTF).
If trading participants use third-party connection solutions (3rd Party Solutions) via ETI/FIXML to access the trading systems of EEX (including the EEX OTF), EEX AG charges the following fees in addition to the connection fees pursuant to Sect.
Persons who are not trading participants can obtain temporary access to the trading systems of the EEX (including the EEX OTF) exclusively with read access and without the right to participate in trading (View Only).