Examples of Other Loans Especially Mentioned in a sentence
There are no loans presently owned by KSB that have been classified by any bank examiner, outside loan reviewer, accountant or management as "Other Loans Especially Mentioned," "Substandard," "Doubtful," or "Loss" or classified using categories with similar import and all loans or portions thereof classified "Loss" have been charged off.
In addition to the D-rating, the Borrower receives a loan quality classification: good, OLEM (Other Loans Especially Mentioned), substandard, doubtful and loss.
Except as disclosed to PACIFIC in the BANCORP Disclosure Statement, there are no loans presently owned by BANCORP that have been classified by any BANCORP examiner, outside loan reviewer, accountant or the management of BANCORP as "Other Loans Especially Mentioned," "Substandard," "Doubtful," or "Loss" or classified using categories with similar import and all loans or portions thereof classified "Loss" have been charged off.
Other Loans Especially Mentioned (OLEM): Advances in this category are currently protected by adequate security, both as to principal and interest, but they are potentially weak and constitute an undue credit risk, although not to the point of justifying the classification of substandard.
If any arbitrator has not been appointed within the time limits specified herein, such appointment shall be made by the AAA upon the written request of either party within 10 days of the request.