Other Ship definition
Examples of Other Ship in a sentence
These appropriations contain the Mission and Other Ship Operations (1B1B) sub-activity group.25 This sub-activity group makes available resources for all facets of ship operations necessary to continuously deploy combat ready warships and sustain forces in support of national objectives.
Lloyd’s Register requires the production of a risk assessment for the assessment of an ‘unconventional system’ according to Lloyd’s Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2013, incorporating Notice No. 1 - Other Ship Types and Systems - Requirements for Machinery and Engineering Systems of Unconventional Design, Part 7, Chapter 15.
Details on currently undertaken and recently completed shipping studies in ICES Member Countries can be found in the 2001 report of the ICES/IOC/IMO Study Group on Ballast Water and Other Ship Vectors [SGBOSV].
Part1 Chapter 2 of the Rules and Regulations for Construction and Classification of Steel Ships (Main Rules) are to be applied to River sea vessels with the following changes: Section 6: Other Ship Types In the case of vessels with class notation “Indian River Sea vessel type-3” and “Indian River Sea vessel type-4” , the additional requirements for General Dry Cargo ships will not apply regardless of the cargo carried.
O&M,N is the appropriation account that is responsible for funding daily operations to the fleet, so it is no surprise that this account is the most significant contributor to the budget difference.The two programs under O&M,N that were the most significant contributors to budget difference consisted of Mission and Other Flight Hour Operations (1A1A) and Mission and Other Ship Operations (1B1B).
In May 2007, PICES and ICES worked with theU.S. National Sea Grant College Program and MIT Sea Grant College Program to organize the 5th International Conference on “Marine bioinvasions” in Cambridge, U.S.A. Immediately following this conference, the first ever meeting between PICES WG on Non- indigenous Aquatic Species and ICES Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms and ICES/IOC/IMO WG on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors was held.
Other Ship News - In other ship news, the Langseth should be available for operations in 2006.
Pederson).▪ Ms. Darlene Smith (WG 21 Co-Chairman) attended the annual meetings of the ICES/IOC/IMO Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors (WGBOSV) and the ICES Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms (WGITMO) in March 2007, in Dubrovnik, Croatia, to discuss possible co-operation on marine bioinvasions, The first ever joint meeting of WG 21, WGBOSV and WGITMO was held immediately after the “Marine bioinvasions” Conference (May 25–26, 2007).
ICES/IOC/ IMO Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors (WGBOSV).