Output 2 definition

Output 2. Sub-output 2: Extract Key Lessons From Ongoing Participation In International Assessments
Output 2. Improved access to affordable and diverse food
Output 2 means one-time cash transfer and UCT described in paragraph 2(ii) of Schedule 1 to this Loan Agreement;

Examples of Output 2 in a sentence

  • Output 2 includes: (i) climate vulnerable households covered in the graduation program in six project towns; (ii) women, including person with disabilities, reported increased skills for resilient livelihood; and (iii) inventory of productive assets of vulnerable households documented and insured.

  • If using only one Radiance output, use Output 1 if the Radiance needs to pass audio, or Output 2 if not.

  • Progress toward achieving Output 2, Outcome and Impact, however, can only be assessed upon completion of subprojects and during their operation.

  • Output 2: Reception Visit – Every prisoner is given the opportunity of receiving a visit within 72 hours of reception upon conviction, where the visit is additional to the statutory entitlement.

  • The approval process for Output 2 will follow the Framework for Infrastructure Delivery and Procurement Management (FIDPM) and the Health Infrastructure Approval procedures (HIAC).

More Definitions of Output 2

Output 2. Policy & Planning National and county levels deliver realistic annual operational plans to meet need for FP services Output 3: Public Sector Training Public sector nurse’s pre-service curriculum revised for FP including Long-acting and permanent methods of family planning and post abortion care and thereafter used for pre service training (national level).
Output 2 means the output of the Project relating to water supply services in Nuku’alofa as described in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to this Grant Agreement;
Output 2. Sub-output 1: Establish a world class system of standardised national assessments
Output 2 means the output of the Investment Program relating to enhancement of ICT-based educational offerings of the Borrower for regional outreach as described described in paragraph 14 of Schedule 1 to this FFA;
Output 2 sub−output 3: Increased HousehoId Access to Water from 92% to 100% 44
Output 2 sub−output 6: Increased HousehoId Access to EIectricity from 81% to 92% 48 4.3 Output 3: IMPLEMENT THE COMMUNITY WORK PROGRAMME 50
Output 2 means the output of the Project described in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to this Loan Agreement;