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Output 1 definition

Output 1Increasing Life ExpectancyOutput 2: Decreasing Maternal and Child mortality • Output 3: Combating HIV and AIDS and decreasing the burden of disease from Tuberculosis • Output 4: Strengthening Health System Effectiveness Linked to these outputs are clearly articulated indicators and targets. Major targets include the following: • Life expectancy must increase from the current 53.9 years for males and 57.2 years for females (Statistics SA 2009) to 58 years for males and 60 years for females by 2014. • South Africa’s Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) must decrease to 100 (or less) per 100,000 live births by 2014. The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) country report estimates MMR at 625 per 100,000. • The child mortality rate must decrease to 20 deaths (or less) per 1,000 live births by 2014. The MDG country report estimates child mortality rates at 104 per 100,000. • The TB cure rate must improve from 64% in 2007 to 85% by 2014 • 80% of eligible people living with HIV and AIDS must access antiretroviral treatment. • New HIV infections must be reduced by 50% by 2014. Re-engineering the health system to one that is based on a primary healthcare (PHC) approach, with more emphasis on promotive and preventive healthcare will underlie all interventions needed to achieve the outputs. Tangible improvements in the effectiveness of the health system must be attained and corroborated by empirical evidence that clearly links to the four output areas. In terms of strengthening the health system’s effectiveness with regards to key health indicators and overall contribution to population welfare, the Department of Health has identified the need to overhaul key components within the spheres of financing, pooling of resources, purchasing and provision of health services. This will be done through the implementation of the National Health Insurance - a mechanism that will allow us to better harness the human, financial and technical resources within the public and private sectors and use these enhanced resources to improve the impact with which they contribute towards the achievement of the above stated 4 output areas.
Output 1 means Output 1 of the Project as described in paragraph 2(a) of Schedule 1;

Examples of Output 1 in a sentence

  • If using only one Radiance output, use Output 1 if the Radiance needs to pass audio, or Output 2 if not.

  • Output 1: Irrigation management services strengthened will support policy and institutional development measures to improve climate resilience of agriculture by strengthening irrigation management taking into consideration social and gender dimensions in all relevant activities.

  • Output 1 will also support development of EWCD-friendly socio-economic infrastructures including (i) local markets;(ii) bus terminals; and (iii) other priority roads, bridges, culverts, and boat landing stations.

  • Output 1 can have priority by selecting “Auto 1,2” from the Video Output Select Menu.For “Auto” modes the output vertical rate is selected based on the input vertical rate.

  • The Radiance can also be used to display 3D on many 2D displays, such as a CRT display or projector.If HDMI Output 1 on the Radiance is connected to a non-3D AVR the Radiance can automatically turn off video on that output when selecting a 3D video source.

More Definitions of Output 1

Output 1 sub−output 5: CriticaI posts of MunicipaI Manager, Chief FinanciaI officer, Town PIanner, Chief Communications, Human Resource Manager and Town EngineerƒTechnicaI Services are fiIIed by Competent and SuitabIy QuaIified individuaIs 30
Output 1 means Subprojects and related activities described in paragraph 2(i) of Schedule 1 to this Loan Agreement;
Output 1. Urban infrastructure in 8 municipalities constructed or rehabilitated with climate-resilient and sustainable designs 8. Drainage, sewerage and roads constructed or upgraded. The project will support to construct or upgrade 200 km of storm water drainage, 20 km of sewerage network11, 240 kilometers (km) of urban roads with urban design features. Future increase in the rainfall intensities will be taken into account in pending detailed designs of drainage systems to strengthen urban resilience to climate change. 9. Solid waste management system improved. In four municipalities (FWR municipalities), the project will improve solid waste management (SWM) by adopting an integrated approach, reviewing and improving the entire system from segregation and collection, through reduce, reuse and recycle (the 3Rs), to transportation and final disposal at the sanitary landfill including resource recovery facilities. The project will construct key
Output 1. Improved conflict management mechanisms: Broader societal participation in and oversight of conflict management mechanisms at federal, state and local level.  Output 2: Mitigating drivers of conflict: Reduced grievances in target areas around economic opportunities and distribution of resources.  Output 3: Increasing participation of, and reducing violence against, women and girls: Increased and more influential participation by women and girls in institutions and initiatives relevant to peacebuilding, with reduced prevalence and impact of violence against women and girls.  Output 4: Improved conflict prevention policy and practice: Research, advocacy and media have an increasingly positive influence on policy and practice relevant to stability and reconciliation in Nigeria.
Output 1. ImProve tHe quaLIty of teaCHIng and LearnIng A number of international testing programmes, such as TIMSS, PIRLS and SACMEQ, have demonstrated that South Africa’s learner performance in reading, writing and mathematics is well below what it should be. For instance, the 2006 application of PIRLS showed that South African Grade 5 learners perform considerably worse in reading than Grade 4 learners in Indonesia and Trinidad and Tobago. The national Systemic Evaluation programme and the Grade 12 examinations have also demonstrated that learner performance is well below what one would expect given the resources available to the schooling system. Clearly, there is a need for teaching and learning to improve. If this happens, not only will learners know more at the end of each school year, they are also more likely to remain in school for longer.
Output 1. By 2015 an increased capacity for advocacy and community engagement in the reproductive health and rights of women and adolescents girls and the elimination of harmful practices affecting maternal health.
Output 1 means the output of the Project described in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to this Loan Agreement;