Operations Manual means a manual containing procedures, instructions and guidance for use by operational personnel in the execution of their duties;
Mobile crisis outreach team means a crisis intervention service for minors or families of minors experiencing behavioral health or psychiatric emergencies.
Training means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.
Project Manual means the volume usually assembled for the Work which may include the bidding requirements, sample forms, and other Contract Documents.
Technical safeguards means the technology and the policy and procedures for its use that 27 protect electronic PHI and control access to it.
Quality Assurance means the quality assurance documentation, including but not limited to the quality records, method statements, description of the production and work procedures etc. as required under Purchaser’s, Customer’s and/or Supplier’s quality requirements.
Operational means that the system or sensor, at the time of the event, is active or can be activated/deactivated by the driver.
Project Operational Manual means the Project Operational Manual, to be adopted in accordance with Section 6.01 (a) of this Agreement, giving details of guidelines and procedures agreed with the Association for the implementation, supervision, and monitoring and evaluation, of the Project, and the procurement procedures and guidelines for Sub-Projects, as same may be amended from time to time in agreement with the Association, and such term includes any schedules to the Project Operational Manual;
Benchmarking Information means information generated by Portfolio Manager, as herein defined including descriptive information about the physical building and its operational characteristics.
New jobs training program or “program” means the project or projects established by a community college for the creation of jobs by providing education and training of workers for new jobs for new or expanding industry in the merged area served by the community college. The proceeds of the certificates, as authorized by the Act, shall be used only to fund program services related to training programs made necessary by the creation of new jobs.
Protocols means written directions and orders, consistent with the department’s standard of care, that are to be followed by an emergency medical care provider in emergency and nonemergency situations. Protocols must be approved by the service program’s medical director and address the care of both adult and pediatric patients.
DOD means the United States department of defense.