Examples of Outside Consultants in a sentence
Outside Consultants and Independent Contractors who work on-site at Jennison and who in connection with his or her regular functions or duties obtain information regarding the purchase or sale of investments in portfolios managed by Jennison will be subject to such policies and procedures as determined by Jennison.
Outside Consultants and Independent Contractors Outside Consultants and Independent Contractors who work on-site at Jennison and who in connection with his or her regular functions or duties obtain information regarding the purchase or sale of investments in portfolios managed by Jennison will be subject to such policies and procedures as determined by Jennison.
Access to Highly Confidential Information (including Stamped Highly Confidential Documents) is limited to Outside Counsel of Record, Outside Consultants, their employees and employees of their Outside Firms, and Support Personnel.
Only those authorized persons who are Outside Counsel or Outside Consultants and not involved in Competitive Decision-Making and have executed an Acknowledgement of Confidentiality, as those terms are defined in the Protective Order, will be able to access Confidential and Highly Confidential Information and Data submitted in response to the collection.
Subject to the terms and provisions of the Plan, the Committee, at any time and from time to time, may grant Shares of Restricted Stock to eligible Key Employees or Outside Consultants in such amounts as the Committee shall determine.
We Require Ethical Behavior from Our Outside Consultants and Contracted Service Providers Orchid Monroe, LLC is responsible for ensuring that any outside consultant or contracted service provider that we hire is held to the same standards of integrity that Orchid Monroe, LLC requires of our employees.
Employment Of Outside Consultants, the Council, sitting as a special permit granting authority under G.L. c.
Access to Stamped Highly Confidential Documents and Highly Confidential Information is limited to Outside Counsel of Record, Outside Consultants, and those employees of Outside Counsel and Outside Consultants described in paragraph 11.
Expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence, and related items incurred by project personnel and by outside consultants employed on the project (see Outside Consultants in Section 8.2.6.) who are in travel status on business related to an OSRI-supported project areallowable as prescribed in the governing costs principles.
Outside Consultants or Advisors The Chair, when he or she considers it necessary or desirable, may retain, at the Company's expense, outside consultants or advisors to advise the Chair or the Board independently on any matter.