Overburden definition

Overburden means any material of any nature, consolidated or unconsolidated, that overlies a mineral deposit, excluding topsoil or similar naturally occurring surface materials that are not disturbed by mining operations.
Overburden means any unconsolidated material that overlies bedrock.
Overburden means all of the earth and other materials which lie above natural minerals and also means such earth and other materials disturbed from their natural state in the process of mining.

Examples of Overburden in a sentence

  • Overburden and other mine waste materials are often removed during the initial development of a mine site in order to access the mineral deposit.

  • Overburden excavation shall include removal of all material other than rock excavation.

  • The contractor agrees and undertakes that the geometry of the mines including bench height and width of coal seams, Overburden and inter-burden shall at all times conform to provisions of this agreement, statutory provisions and standard industry Practice.

  • Particular interest is focused on 446 samples recovered from basal till that have been processed by Overburden Drilling Management.

  • Overburden removed: Classification of ExplosivesDifferent sizes of soaked liquid oxygen cartridges to be equivalent kg.

More Definitions of Overburden

Overburden means soil, rock, or other materials that lie above a natural mineral deposit or in between mineral deposits, before or after their removal by surface mining operations.
Overburden means the earth, rock, soil, and topsoil that lie above mineral deposits.
Overburden means all of the earth and other materials which lie above natural mineral deposits and includes all earth and other materials disturbed from their natural state in the process of mining.
Overburden means earth and other materials that lie above natural minerals and includes earth and other materials that are disturbed from their natural state in the process of extracting construction materials.
Overburden means the soil, rock and similar materials that lie above natural deposits of minerals.
Overburden. ’ means materials that overlie a mineral deposit.
Overburden means the earth, rock, and other materials that lie above the natural deposit of minerals.