Examples of Packing Slip in a sentence
A waterproof Master Packing Slip shall accompany each shipment and shall be included in one of the packages marked "Packing Slip Inside" or in the case of a carload shipment, be conspicuously displayed on the inside of the freight car.
Packing Slip Requirement: All deliveries must be accompanied by a packing slip indicating the name of the contractor and valid DSS purchase order number.
Printed Packing Slip containing full details about the contents like Quantity, Batch No., Expiry date etc.
Upon return the subcontractor shall clearly state on their Packing Slip it the product was reworked or replaced: Rework - If parts are reworked, the subcontractor shall provide documentation that supports the rework Replacement - The subcontractor shall provide a new documentation that supports purchase order compliance.
Upon return the subcontractor shall clearly state on their Packing Slip it the product was reworked or replaced: • Rework - If parts are reworked, the subcontractor shall provide documentation that supports the rework • Replacement - The subcontractor shall provide a new documentation that supports purchase order compliance.
Here you will enter transaction information from your Amazon Packing Slip.
For competency acquired through professional experience, qualified work references or other references documenting practice must be submitted.
Shelf life marking shall be shown on the Packing Slip, intermediate and unit packaging, and individual items.
Shipping documents shall be mailed on the shipment date and must include the ASN, SID, Bill of Lading or Packing Slip numbers relating to each shipment.
Every Packing Slip, Delivery Ticket and Invoice must include: Purchase Order NumberThe name of the facility to which delivery was made.