Pakistan currency definition
Examples of Pakistan currency in a sentence
During the search oper- ations the army also recovered three bags with fourteen pack- ets of Narcotics weighing approximately 17 kgs, Pakistan currency, some documents, and eatables.
In all three groups, the proportion of respondents willing to escalate the decision was significantly higher in the presence of the negative framing of the “do nothing” decisions than in the neutral framing versions in the market research (marginal significance in Pakistan), currency trader, and bank loan decisions.
The above prohibition applies to transfer of (i) all Pakistani securities (i.e. securities expressed to be payable in Pakistan currency or registered in Pakistan) whether held by persons resident in or outside Pakistan and (ii) all foreign securities held by Pakistan nationals.
A senior international adviser said: 50 There are also reports of the police taking bribes on the Kabul-Jalalabad highway, with demands of Pakistan rupees 5,000-10,000 (U.S. dollar=Rs 70; Pakistan currency is com- monly used in the border provinces).
A bid without CDR will not be accepted.4. Rates should be quoted in Pakistan currency (Pak Rupee) including all taxes.
Section 4 (2) of the Act lays down that, except as may otherwise be directed by the State Bank, authorized dealers, authorized money changers and exchange companies shall be free to determine exchange rates for the conversion of Pakistan currency into any foreign currency or any foreign currency into Pakistan currency.
After that the real exchange rate has been defined as the nominal exchange rate of Pakistan currency against US dollar multiplied by the ratio of the foreign to domestic price level i.e. RER = qt (CPIus / CPIpk).
Pakistan currency was linked with British pond sterling before 1970.
The term 'foreign exchange' as defined in Section 2 of the Act means foreign currency and inter alia includes any instrument drawn, accepted, made or issued under clause (8) of Section 17 of the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956 and any drafts, travellers cheques, letters of credit and bills of exchange expressed or drawn in foreign currency or in Pakistan currency but payable in any foreign currency.
If β coef- ficient is greater than one then the local (Pakistan) currency will appreciate against the UAE currency and a value below one will indicate depreciation in the local currency value.