Examples of Paleontological remains in a sentence
Paleontological remains are fairly common in Sonoma County and have been most often recovered from three geologic formations: the Franciscan complex, the Wilson Grove Formation, and the Sonoma Volcanics.
Paleontological remains consist of old animal remains, original or fossilized, such as teeth, tusks, bone, or entire skeletons.
Paleontological remains are found in sedimentary rock formations, which are virtually nonexistent in the County.
These include:• Human burials,• Ancient Stone Age (Palaeolithic) sites on surface or buried,• Cultural and historic resources belonging to the transitional period from Palaeolithic to Neolithic Age,• Paleontological remains, and• Middle-age cultural and historic resources.If these resources are discovered, applicable Treatment Procedures (TPs) will be implemented.
Paleontological remains" means fossilized plants and animals of a geological nature found upon or beneath the earth or under water which are rare and critical to scientific research.
Paleontological remains are found in sedimentary rock formations, while El Dorado County’s geology is predominantly igneous (volcanic) in nature.
Add the following to the fourth paragraph: Paleontological remains and archeological specimens found within the construction area are the property of the US Forest Service and will be removed only by the US Forest Service or designated representatives.
Paleontological remains of significant scientific interest do not include leaves, ferns, or dinosaur tracks commonly encountered during underground mining operations.
Paleontological remains of significant scientific interest do not included leaves, ferns or dinosaur tracks commonly encountered during underground mining operations.
Paleontological remains and depos- its are considered to be objects of antiquity pursuant to the Antiqui- ties Act.