Paper Records definition

Paper Records means any paper file an Insured owns or possesses exclusively for the benefit of an Insured or Insureds for personal purposes, containing Protected Information.
Paper Records. Destroy any paper copies as soon as possible once they are not needed for operation purposes.
Paper Records means all of the receipts, vouchers, instruments, rolls or other documents and records in paper or electronic form of the Board.

Examples of Paper Records in a sentence

  • Paper Records All paper records of Confidential Information must be shredded or otherwise destroyed in a manner acceptable to Manitoba.

  • Paper Records Paper records are destroyed/disposed of in a manner that leaves no possibility for reconstruction of the information.

  • Retrieval of Paper Records  Department of Health will inform Redrock of any request for retrievals for audit purposes and indicate timescales required and will instruct Redrock clearly if retrieval is required.

  • The objective of the proposed solution is to provide a combined Electronic and Paper Records Management solution (Based on the Xxxxxx OnBase® software platform) to manage the complete life cycle (declaration through disposition) of all final records at Customer.

  • Upon the Effective Date, SVCMC will transfer to Provider custody of all paper medical records, charts and films for all patients who have received health care services from those Program providers set forth in Exhibit A who will be employed by Provider after Program termination (collectively, the “Paper Records”), and all electronic medical records for all Program patients (“EMR,” which, together with Paper Records, are collectively referred to as the “Patient Records”).

  • The Electronic and Paper Records Management solution shall set up a records structure based on the Taxonomy and retentions schedules provided by Customer and shall include workflow processes for records approval and records destruction incorporating record holds.

Related to Paper Records

  • Computer Records means the computer records generated by the Servicer that provide information relating to the Loans and that were used by the Originator in selecting the Loans conveyed to the Trust Depositor pursuant to Section 2.01 (and any Substitute Loans conveyed to the Trust Depositor pursuant to Section 2.04).

  • Pupil Records Means both of the following: (1) Any information that directly relates to a pupil that is maintained by LEA and (2) any information acquired directly from the pupil through the use of instructional software or applications assigned to the pupil by a teacher or other local educational LEA employee.

  • Records means any written or recorded information, regardless of physical form or characteristics, which is produced or acquired by the Party in the performance of this agreement. Records produced or acquired in a machine readable electronic format shall be maintained in that format. The records described shall be made available at reasonable times during the period of the Agreement and for three years thereafter or for any period required by law for inspection by any authorized representatives of the State or Federal Government. If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the three-year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved.

  • Vital records means certificates or reports of birth, death, fetal death, marriage, dissolution, annulment, and related data.

  • Financial Records means any document or summary of information contained in a document, including electronic documents, that contains information about the financial activities or position of a person including, but not limited to, information about the assets, balance sheets, budgets, cash flow, earnings, revenue, expenditures, income, investments, losses, liabilities, payroll, profits, retained earnings, or taxes.

  • Files and Records means all files and records of Seller relating to the Business, whether in hard copy or magnetic or other format including customer and supplier lists and records; equipment maintenance records; equipment warranty information; plant plans, specifications and drawings; sales and advertising material; computer software; technical and research analyses; engineering, sales, marketing and other studies, data and plans; bid information; quality assurance records; and records relating to those employees of Seller who may become employed by Purchaser following the Closing.

  • Business Records means all records and information of any description or type created or used in the ordinary course of the operation of the Business.

  • Educational records means: those official records, files, and data directly related to a student and maintained by the school or local education agency, including but not limited to records encompassing all the material kept in the student's cumulative folder such as general identifying data, records of attendance and of academic work completed, records of achievement and results of evaluative tests, health data, disciplinary status, test protocols, and individualized education programs.

  • Accounting Records means the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers and supporting schedules which support the general ledger balances.

  • Medical Records the Study Subjects’ primary medical records kept by the Institution on behalf of the Study Subjects, including, without limitation, treatment entries, x-rays, biopsy reports, ultrasound photographs and other diagnostic images. Zdravotní záznamy: primární zdravotní záznamy Subjektů studie vedené Zdravotnickým zařízením ve vztahu k Subjektu studie, zejména záznamy o poskytnuté péči, zázanym o RTG vyšetřeních, protokoly o provedených biopsiích, snímky z ultrazvukových vyšetření a další snímky diagnostické povahy. Study Data: all records and reports, other than Medical Records, collected or created pursuant to or prepared in connection with the Study including, without limitation, reports (e.g., CRFs, data summaries, interim reports and the final report) required to be delivered to Sponsor pursuant to the Protocol and all records regarding inventories and dispositions of all Investigational Product. Studijní data a údaje: veškeré záznamy, zprávy a protokoly, jež jsou odlišné od Zdravotních záznamů, a které jsou získány, shromážděny či vytvořeny v návaznosti na či připraveny v souvislosti se Studií, zejména zprávy, záznamy a protokoly (např., CRFs, datové přehledy, mezitímní zprávy a protokoly, a závěrečná zpráva), které jsou požadovány, aby byly poskytnuty Zadavateli v souladu s Protokolem a veškerými záznamy ohledně inventurní evidence a nakládání s veškerým množstvím Hodnoceného léčiva.

  • Corporate Records means the corporate records of a corporation, including (i) its articles, notice of articles or other constating documents, any unanimous shareholders agreement and any amendments thereto; (ii) all minutes of meetings and resolutions of shareholders, directors and any committee thereof; (iii) the share certificate books, register of shareholders, register of transfers and registers of directors and officers; and

  • Collateral Records means books, records, ledger cards, files, correspondence, customer lists, blueprints, technical specifications, manuals, computer software, computer printouts, tapes, disks and related data processing software and similar items that at any time evidence or contain information relating to any of the Collateral or are otherwise necessary or helpful in the collection thereof or realization thereupon.

  • Servicing Records All documents, books, records and other information (including, without limitation, computer programs, tapes, disks, data processing software and related property rights) prepared and maintained by the Servicer with respect to the Loans and the related Obligors.

  • Transferred Books and Records means all books, ledgers, files, reports, plans, records, manuals and other materials (in any form or medium) to the extent of, or maintained predominantly for, the Business by the Seller’s Group (other than emails), including (without limitation) all books, records and other materials relating to the research, development and pre-clinical trials for each of the Products and the Product Expansions but excluding:

  • Property records means the records created and maintained by the contractor in support of its stewardship responsibilities for the management of Government property.

  • Books and Records means all books, records, board minutes, contracts, licenses, insurance policies, environmental audits, business plans, files, computer files, computer discs and other data and software storage and media devices, accounting books and records, financial statements (actual and pro forma), filings with Governmental Authorities and any and all records and instruments relating to the Collateral or otherwise necessary or helpful in the collection thereof or the realization thereupon.

  • Tax Records means any Tax Returns, Tax Return workpapers, documentation relating to any Tax Contests, and any other books of account or records (whether or not in written, electronic or other tangible or intangible forms and whether or not stored on electronic or any other medium) required to be maintained under the Code or other applicable Tax Laws or under any record retention agreement with any Tax Authority.

  • Excluded Books and Records has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2(a).

  • Receivables Records means (i) all original copies of all documents, instruments or other writings or electronic records or other Records evidencing the Receivables, (ii) all books, correspondence, credit or other files, Records, ledger sheets or cards, invoices, and other papers relating to Receivables, including, without limitation, all tapes, cards, computer tapes, computer discs, computer runs, record keeping systems and other papers and documents relating to the Receivables, whether in the possession or under the control of Grantor or any computer bureau or agent from time to time acting for Grantor or otherwise, (iii) all evidences of the filing of financing statements and the registration of other instruments in connection therewith, and amendments, supplements or other modifications thereto, notices to other creditors or secured parties, and certificates, acknowledgments, or other writings, including, without limitation, lien search reports, from filing or other registration officers, (iv) all credit information, reports and memoranda relating thereto and (v) all other written or nonwritten forms of information related in any way to the foregoing or any Receivable.

  • Electronic Record(s means the electronic record as defined under clause (t) of subsection (1) of section 2 of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

  • s Record Subrecipient’s records shall be sufficient to:

  • Personnel record means a record kept by the employer that identifies the employee, to the extent that the record is used or has been used, or may affect or be used relative to that employee's qualifications for employment, promotion, transfer, additional compensation, or disciplinary action. A personnel record shall include a record in the possession of a person, corporation, partnership, or other association who has a contractual agreement with the employer to keep or supply a personnel record as provided in this subdivision. A personnel record shall not include:

  • Excluded Records means any and all:

  • Monthly Records means all records and data maintained by the Servicer with respect to the Receivables, including the following with respect to each Receivable: the account number; the originating Dealer; Obligor name; Obligor address; Obligor home phone number; Obligor business phone number; original Principal Balance; original term; Annual Percentage Rate; current Principal Balance; current remaining term; origination date; first payment date; final scheduled payment date; next payment due date; date of most recent payment; new/used classification; collateral description; days currently delinquent; number of contract extensions (months) to date; amount of Scheduled Receivables Payment; and past due late charges.

  • Public records means all writings and recordings that consist of letters, words or numbers, or their equivalent, set down by handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostatting, photography, magnetic impulse, optical or magneto-optical form, mechanical or electronic recording or other form of data compilation, however stored, and regardless of physical form or characteristics, prepared or owned by, or in the possession of a public body or its officers, employees or agents in the transaction of public business.

  • State Records means any and all State data, information, and records, regardless of physical form, including, but not limited to, information subject to disclosure under CORA.