Park Standards definition

Park Standards means those standards and specifications for parks, open space and stormwater management facilities as set out in the document entitled “Bradford West Gwillimbury Parks and Open Space Manual Construction Specifications” dated November 2004, as amended from time to time, a copy of which the Owner acknowledges having received and which is incorporated referentially as part of this Agreement and is available for review at the Town offices during regular business hours;
Park Standards means the standards for design and construction of manufactured home parks as defined in this title. (Ord. 6B-79 § 1 (part): prior code § 15-67 (part))(Ord. 11a-2005, Amended, 11/15/2005) )(Ord 6D-2022, Amended, 6/21/22)
Park Standards means the document entitled “Parks Development Standards - January 2015”, incorporated referentially as part of this Agreement and available for review at the Township offices during regular business hours, and includes any other or different criteria or standards as may be determined by the Director of Parks from time to time;

Examples of Park Standards in a sentence

  • Developments which are subject to subdivision review because they will provide two or more spaces for mobile/manufactured homes will be reviewed under section VII-E Mobile/Manufactured Home Park Standards, below.

  • Developments which are subject to subdivision review because they will provide two or more spaces for recreational camping vehicles will be reviewed under section VII-F Recreational Vehicle Park Standards, below.

  • Parking requirements shall comply with Winter Park Standards and Specifications for Construction Section 3.9.3, and all uses under the Final Development Plan shall satisfy the Town Code’s parking requirements.

  • SECTION: 9-6-1: Purpose9-6-2: Definitions9-6-3: Manufactured Home Park Standards 9-6-4: Covenants And Bylaws9-6-5: Temporary Mobile Homes9-6-6: Exemptions From Provisions 9-6-7: Violation; Penalties 9-6-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of this chapter is to allow manufactured home parks in permitted zoning districts in the city with appropriate design and site requirements.

  • Mobile Homes – Definition Developments which are subject to subdivision review because they will provide two or more spaces for mobile homes will be reviewed under section VI-D Mobile Home Park Standards, below.

  • Recreational Camping Vehicles -- Definition Developments which are subject to subdivision review because they will provide two or more spaces for recreational camping vehicles will be reviewed under section VI-E Recreational Vehicle Park Standards, below.

  • Existing Non-conforming Manufactured Home Parks which have been issued a Zoning Compliance Permit as having met the standards of the former Kannapolis Zoning Ordinance (Subsection 6:15.1 Manufactured Home Park Standards for New Construction) may continue to operate under that Permit as a Continuation Permit subject to remaining in compliance with the provisions of the former Kannapolis Zoning Ordinance (Subsection 6:15.1) as described in Section 13.4.2 below.

  • All improvements shall comply with Building Codes, Park Standards and Texas Accessibility Standards.

  • Mobile/Manufactured Home Park Standards 60 VIII-E-1.Mobile/Manufactured Home Spaces 60 VIII-E-2.Streets 61 VIII-E-3.Electrical Systems 61 VIII-E-4.Gas Systems 61 VIII-F.

  • The Consultant will review the Parkland Dedication Ordinance Appendix B - Proposed Minimum Park Standards for consistency with the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and 2011 Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG).

More Definitions of Park Standards

Park Standards. All homes brought into the Park and all homes being sold within the Park must comply with all Park Standards.
Park Standards means the standards for design and construction of manufactured home parks and camping parks as defined in this title. (Ord. 6B-79 § 1 (part): prior code § 15-67 (part))

Related to Park Standards

  • PCI Standards means the applicable Data Security Standards published by the PCI Security Standards Council.

  • Safety Standards means all laws, union rules and trade or industry custom or codes of any kind whatsoever, in effect from the date of this Agreement through Final Acceptance of the construction work, pertaining to worker safety and accident prevention applicable to the Project and/or the construction work (including, but not limited to, rules, regulations and standards adopted pursuant to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended from time to time).

  • Quality Standards means the quality standards published by BSI British Standards, the National Standards Body of the United Kingdom, the International Organisation for Standardisation or other reputable or equivalent body, (and their successor bodies) that a skilled and experienced operator in the same type of industry or business sector as the Contractor would reasonably and ordinarily be expected to comply with, and as may be further detailed in the Specification.

  • Security Standards means the final rule implementing HIPAA’s Security Standards for the Protection of Electronic PHI, as amended.

  • Applicable Standards means the requirements and guidelines of NERC, the Applicable Regional Entity, and the Control Area in which the Customer Facility is electrically located; the PJM Manuals; and Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards.

  • Reliability Standards means the criteria, standards, rules and requirements relating to reliability established by a Standards Authority.

  • Codes and Standards means all the applicable codes and standards as indicated in the Technical Specification.

  • NERC Reliability Standards means the most recent version of those reliability standards applicable to the Generating Facility, or to the Generator Owner or the Generator Operator with respect to the Generating Facility, that are adopted by the NERC and approved by the applicable regulatory authorities, which are available at xxxx://, or any successor thereto.

  • Standards means the British or international standards, Authority's internal policies and procedures, Government codes of practice and guidance referred to in Framework Schedule 13 (Standards) together with any other specified policies or procedures identified in Framework Schedule 13 (Standards);

  • Accessibility Standards means accessibility standards and specifications for Texas agency and institution of higher education websites and EIR set forth in 1 TAC Chapter 206 and/or Chapter 213.

  • Privacy Standards means the standards of the privacy of individually identifiable health information, as pursuant to HIPAA.

  • Water quality standards means provisions of state or federal law which consist of a designated use or uses for the waters of the Commonwealth and water quality criteria for such waters based upon such uses. Water quality standards are to protect the public health or welfare, enhance the quality of water and serve the purposes of the State Water Control Law (§ 62.1-44.2 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) and the federal Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1251 et seq.).

  • Pretreatment standards means any standards of performance or other requirements imposed by

  • Service Level Standards has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.1 hereof.

  • Air Standards Manager means the Manager, Human Toxicology and Air Standards Section, Standards Development Branch, or any other person who represents and carries out the duties of the Manager, Human Toxicology and Air Standards Section, Standards Development Branch, as those duties relate to the conditions of this Certificate.

  • Clean air standards, as used in this clause means:

  • Design Standards means the standards developed as a requirement of the Programmatic Agreement

  • New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual or “BMP Manual” means the manual maintained by the Department providing, in part, design specifications, removal rates, calculation methods, and soil testing procedures approved by the Department as being capable of contributing to the achievement of the stormwater management standards specified in this chapter. The BMP Manual is periodically amended by the Department as necessary to provide design specifications on additional best management practices and new information on already included practices reflecting the best available current information regarding the particular practice and the Department’s determination as to the ability of that best management practice to contribute to compliance with the standards contained in this chapter. Alternative stormwater management measures, removal rates, or calculation methods may be utilized, subject to any limitations specified in this chapter, provided the design engineer demonstrates to the municipality, in accordance with Section IV.F. of this ordinance and N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), that the proposed measure and its design will contribute to achievement of the design and performance standards established by this chapter.

  • Uniform Grant Management Standards or “UGMS” means uniform grant and contract administration procedures, developed under the authority of Chapter 783 of the Texas

  • Clean water standards, as used in this clause, means any enforceable limitation, control, condition, prohibition, standard, or other requirement promulgated under the Water Act or contained in a permit issued to a discharger by the Environmental Protection Agency or by a State under an approved program, as authorized by Section 402 of the Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1342), or by local government to ensure compliance with pre-treatment regulations as required by Section 307 of the Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1317).

  • Technical Standards means the technical standards set out in paragraph 2.4 of the Order Form;

  • Applicable water quality standards means all water quality standards to which a discharge is subject under the federal Clean Water Act and which has been (a) approved or permitted to remain in effect by the Administrator following submission to the Administrator pursuant to Section 303(a) of the Act, or (b) promulgated by the Director pursuant to Section 303(b) or 303(c) of the Act, and standards promulgated under (APCEC) Regulation No. 2, as amended.

  • HITECH Act means the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, TitleXIII, Subtitle D, Part 1 & 2 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

  • Uniform standard means a standard adopted by the Commission for a Product line, pursuant to Article VII of this Compact, and shall include all of the Product requirements in aggregate; provided, that each Uniform Standard shall be construed, whether express or implied, to prohibit the use of any inconsistent, misleading or ambiguous provisions in a Product and the form of the Product made available to the public shall not be unfair, inequitable or against public policy as determined by the Commission.

  • Standards Board means the Professional Standards Board established pursuant to 14 Del.C. §1201.

  • Service Standards means the set of Service Measures, Service Levels, conditions and Service Guarantee Payments as set out in Schedule 1;