Participating Digital Material Publisher definition
Examples of Participating Digital Material Publisher in a sentence
For the avoidance of doubt, material other than still images and text is not included in the Licence, nor is any material which is only referred to in, or can only be accessed by following an external link on, Website Material or in an electronic publication of a Participating Digital Material Publisher and where that material is not itself included in such electronic publication;Electronic Form:as defined in s.
You cannot copy from Excluded Works, and works in any Excluded Category (see notes).• Digital CopyingYou can make Digital Copies from works created and distributed in electronic form published by a Participating Digital Material Publisher (see notes) except Excluded Works or works in any Excluded Category (see notes).
You can make Digital Copies from UK publications created and distributed in electronic form published by a Participating Digital Material Publisher (see notes) except Excluded Works or works in any Excluded Category (see notes).
For the avoidance of doubt, material other than still images and text is not included in the Licence, nor is any material which is only referred to in, or can only be accessed by following an external link on, Website Material, or in an electronic publication of a Participating Digital Material Publisher and where they material is not itself included in such electronic publication; Electronic Form:as defined in s.
Participating Digital Material Publisher A Participating Digital Material Publisher is a publisher who has agreed to include their digital publications in our digital licence.
Digital Copying You can make Digital Copies from UK publications created and distributed in electronic form published by a Participating Digital Material Publisher (see notes) except Excluded Works or works in any Excluded Category (see notes).
For the avoidance of doubt, material other than still images and text is not included in the Licence, nor is any material which is only referred toin, or can only be accessed by following an external link on, Website Material, or in an electronic publication of a Participating Digital Material Publisher and where that material is not itself included in such electronic publication;Electronic Form:P_20210916as defined in s.
For the avoidance of doubt, material other than still images and text is not included in the Licence, nor is any material which is only referred to in, or can only be accessed by following an external link on, Website Material, or in an electronic publication of a Participating Digital Material Publisher and where they material is not itself included in such electronic publication;Electronic Form:as defined in s.
Digital Copying You can make Digital Copies from UK publications created and distributed in electronic form (including websites) published by a Participating Digital Material Publisher (see notes) except Excluded Works or works in any Excluded Category (see notes).
You cannot copy from Excluded Works, and works in any Excluded Category (see notes).• Digital CopyingYou can make Digital Copies from UK publications created and distributed in electronic form (including websites) published by a Participating Digital Material Publisher (see notes) above and beyond the terms of the published web-access agreement normally issued by that publisher, except Excluded Works or works in any Excluded Category (see notes).