Partnership Advisory Commission definition
Examples of Partnership Advisory Commission in a sentence
The Partnership Advisory Commission is an advisory commission in the legislative branch that advises responsible governmental entities described by Section 2267.001(5)(A) on proposals received under Chapter 2267.
The Partnership Advisory Commission is an advisory commission in the legislative branch that advises those governmental entities described by Section 2267.001(5)(A), Texas Government Code, on proposals received under the Act.
Before completing the negotiation and entering into an interim or comprehensive agreement, the Commission must submit copies of detailed proposals, including drafts of any interim agreement and the comprehensive agreement, to the Partnership Advisory Commission in accordance with Chapter 2268, Texas Government Code.
The Partnership Advisory Commission occupies an advisory role with respect to proposals received under the Act by a board, commission, department, or other agency of the State, including an institution of higher education that elects to operate under the Act through the adoption of a resolution by the institution's board of regents.
Prior to entering into the negotiation of an interim or comprehensive agreement, the University shall submit copies of detailed proposals to the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Commission (Commission) as provided by Chapter 42 (30-278 et seq.) of Title 30.
Public-Private Partnership Advisory Commission established; membership; terms; compensation; staff; quorum.
Each member agency shall designate its primary representative(s) and alternate(s) to the Partnership Advisory Commission in writing.
Section 2267.001, Government Code, as added by Chapter 1334 (S.B. 1048), Acts of the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011, is amended by adding Subdivision (1-a) to read as follows: (1-a) "Commission" means the Partnership Advisory Commission established under Chapter 2268.
Before beginning to negotiate an interim or comprehensive agreement, the Department will submit a copy of the detailed proposal selected as the best value proposal to the Partnership Advisory Commission (PAC) for review and comment in accordance with Chapter 2268, Texas Government Code.
Commission" means the Partnership Advisory Commission established under Chapter 2268.