Examples of Payday loan in a sentence
Payday loan access does not appear to have economic- ally or statistically significant effects on the aggregate bal- ances in a collection status or for the credit scores, reinforcing our main findings.
Payday loan access does have a positive effect on credit scores that is statistically significant; however, the coefficient size of 3.43 represents only a 0.5% effect.
Payday loan access does appear to increase the probability of separating for drug or alcohol abuse, though the effect is small.
Payday loan employees were “non- judgmental,” many participants said, while bank employees looked down on low-income people.
This includes an absolute prohibition on: • Payday loan shops and associated financial services - excluding not for profit co-operatives whose purpose is to provide affordable financial services for members of the local community• Betting and gambling shops• Amusement arcades.