Examples of Perennial Crop in a sentence
Paracel's project is commitment to adhere to the applicable EHS Guidelines: Pulp and Paper Mills, Forest Harvesting, Perennial Crop Production, and to align with the IFC PSs and Equator Principles.PARACEL pulp mill in Concepción will adopt Kraft1 process for pulp production.The kraft process is widely used to obtain bleached pulp all over the world.
These include, EHS Guidelines for Occupational Health and Safety, EHS Guidelines for Perennial Crop Production, EHS Guidelines for Community Health and Safety (Transport of Hazardous Materials).
Storey W, Ferwerda F, Wit F: Outlines of Perennial Crop Breeding in the Tropics.
Perennial crop (sorted by the area planting age) Study locationTable 5.1 Stored Carbon in Different Perennial Crop Based on the table, there are several crops that have potential carbon sequestration higher than oil palm: At 9 years old, Acacia Mangium (62.1 tCO2/Ha, Syahrinudin, 2005) has almost the double of carbon stored compared to oil palm tree at 10 years old (37 tCO2/Ha, Syahrinudin, 2005).
FAO’s Environmental and Social Management Guidelines on Pest and Pesticides Management will be followed, as they have been found consistent with the WB’s requirements (ESS3 and Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines on Annual Crop Production and Perennial Crop Production).
Table 5: Summary of Impact on Land Commune UnitAffected Perennial Crop Land (ha)Affected HouseholdsEthnic Minority HouseholdsCu Knia 4 The SES of affected households (May 2017) showed that each affected household owns land ranging from 7,000- 15,000 m2.
See the Pre-Acceptance Underwriting Field Inspections and the Perennial Crop Transitional Yield and Acreage Tolerances Listing sections in the Crop Insurance Handbook for information.
The Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) formally requested the ADB to provide assistance in the formulation of an Agribusiness Development Project, to follow through on the activities implemented under the Second Perennial Crop Development Project (SPCDP).
Pre-Acceptance Perennial Crop Inspection Reports and RMA RO Approved Yields are mandatory unless modified by the Regional Office Guidelines: (2)(a) On a contract (by crop by county) basis if the insurable avocado acreage in the county exceeds 250 acres.
Telecommunications Agriculture, Aquaculture, Forestry, and Land-Use Perennial Crop Production Annual Crop Production Aquaculture Sugar Manufacturing Vegetable Oil Processing Food and Beverage Processing Board and Particle-based Products Sawmilling and Wood-based Products Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources15 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Guidelines For Social Life Cycle Assessment Of Products16 15 World Bank (June 2018).