Personal explanation definition

Personal explanation means the explanation of some material part of a member’s former speech which may have been misunderstood;
Personal explanation by a councillor means an explanation that is confined to the material content of the councillor’s previous input.

Examples of Personal explanation in a sentence

  • Personal explanation A member may make a personal explanation at any time.

  • Personal explanation A Member may make a personal explanation at any time.

  • Personal explanation shall be confined to some material part of the speech by him/her which may appear from the current debate to have been misunderstood.

  • Personal explanation may only relate to some material part of an earlier speech by the Councillor at the same meeting which may appear to have been misunderstood in the current debate.

  • Personal explanation A Councillor may make a personal explanation at any time.

  • Commonly used points of order: 14.4 9 (b) The Mover has spoken for more than 10 minutes when moving the motion14.4 (d) The Member has spoken for more than 5 minutes11.5 The Member is not speaking to the subject under discussion14.5 The Member has already spoken on the motion14.5 (e) Points of Order and Personal Explanations14.5 (f) Disorderly conduct 14.13 Personal explanation A Councillor may make a personal explanation at any time.

  • Provided, however, that in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the Department, the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interest of the United States.

  • Personal explanation A councillor may make a personal explanation at any time.

  • Personal explanation shall be confined to some material part of the speech by the Member which may appear from the current debate to have been misunderstood.A Member who has already had two points of order ruled as inadmissible by the Chair shall not normally be permitted to raise a third point of order at the same meeting.

  • Personal explanation *12.24 A Member may make a personal explanation at any time.

Related to Personal explanation

  • Detailed telecommunications billing service means an ancillary service of separately stating information pertaining to individual calls on a customer's billing statement.

  • Prospective state contractor means a person, business entity or nonprofit organization that (i) submits a response to a state contract solicitation by the state, a state agency or a quasi-public agency, or a proposal in response to a request for proposals by the state, a state agency or a quasi-public agency, until the contract has been entered into, or (ii) holds a valid prequalification certificate issued by the Commissioner of Administrative Services under section 4a-100. "Prospective state contractor" does not include a municipality or any other political subdivision of the state, including any entities or associations duly created by the municipality or political subdivision exclusively amongst themselves to further any purpose authorized by statute or charter, or an employee in the executive or legislative branch of state government or a quasi-public agency, whether in the classified or unclassified service and full or part-time, and only in such person's capacity as a state or quasi-public agency employee.

  • Principal of a state contractor or prospective state contractor means (i) any individual who is a member of the board of directors of, or has an ownership interest of five per cent or more in, a state contractor or prospective state contractor, which is a business entity, except for an individual who is a member of the board of directors of a nonprofit organization, (ii) an individual who is employed by a state contractor or prospective state contractor, which is a business entity, as president, treasurer or executive vice president, (iii) an individual who is the chief executive officer of a state contractor or prospective state contractor, which is not a business entity, or if a state contractor or prospective state contractor has no such officer, then the officer who duly possesses comparable powers and duties, (iv) an officer or an employee of any state contractor or prospective state contractor who has managerial or discretionary responsibilities with respect to a state contract, (v) the spouse or a dependent child who is eighteen years of age or older of an individual described in this subparagraph, or (vi) a political committee established or controlled by an individual described in this subparagraph or the business entity or nonprofit organization that is the state contractor or prospective state contractor.

  • Prospective contractor means a person who is subject to the competitive sealed proposal process set forth in the Procurement Code or is not required to submit a competitive sealed proposal because that person qualifies for a sole source or a small purchase contract.

  • Service-disabled veteran-owned business means a service-disabled veteran-owned business located in the State of Tennessee that satisfies the criteria in Tenn. Code. Ann. § 12-3-1102(8). "Service-disabled veteran" means any person who served honorably in active duty in the armed forces of the United States with at least a twenty percent (20%) disability that is service-connected, i.e., the disability was incurred or aggravated in the line of duty in the active military, naval or air service.

  • Personal Identifying Information or “PII” means information that alone, or in conjunction with other information, identifies an individual, as defined at Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 521.002(1).

  • Student Personal Information means information collected through a school service that personally identifies an individual student or other information collected and maintained about an individual student that is linked to information that identifies an individual student, as identified by Washington Compact Provision 28A.604.010. For purposes of this DPA, Student Personal Information is referred to as Student Data.

  • Personal Computer means an IP-enabled desktop or laptop device with a hard drive, keyboard and monitor, designed for multiple office and other applications using a silicon chip/microprocessor architecture and shall not include any Portable Devices.

  • area control service means air traffic control service for controlled flights in control areas;

  • Access Service Request (ASR) is an industry standard form used by the Parties to add, establish, change or disconnect trunks for the purposes of Interconnection.

  • Personal services contract means a contract that, by its express terms or as administered, makes the contractor per- sonnel appear to be, in effect, Government employees (see 37.104).

  • Information Service Provider A provider of Information Service. Information Service Provider includes, but is not limited to, Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

  • approach control service means air traffic control service for arriving or departing controlled flights;

  • Non-Network Provider means any hospital, day care centre or other provider that is not part of the network.

  • Operating Software means those routines, whether or not identified as Program Products, that reside in the Equipment and are required for the Equipment to perform its intended function(s), and which interface the operator, other Contractor-supplied programs, and user programs to the Equipment.

  • Account Information Service Provider means a payment service provider pursuing business activities as referred to in point (8) of Annex I;

  • Appropriate office of the State employment service system means the local office of the federal-state national system or public employment offices with assigned responsibility for serving the area where the employment opening is to be filled, including the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

  • income-related employment and support allowance means an income-related allowance under Part 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007;

  • Personal Computer(s) means computers based on a microprocessor generally designed to be used by one person at a time and which usually store informational data on that computer’s internal hard drive or attached peripheral. A personal computer can be found in various configurations such as laptops, net books, and desktops.

  • Covered contractor information system means an information system that is owned or operated by a contractor that processes, stores, or transmits Federal contract information.

  • financial service provider means a person engaged in the business of providing financial services in terms of authorisation issued or registration granted by a financial sector regulator;

  • Full-service restaurant license means a license issued in accordance with

  • Extraordinary unspecifiable services means services which are specialized and qualitative in nature requiring expertise, extensive training and proven reputation in the field of endeavor.

  • Professional employer agreement means a written contract by and between a client and a PEO that provides for the following:

  • Auditing Services means those services within the scope of the practice of a certified public accounting firm licensed under Chapter 473 of the Florida Statutes, and qualified to conduct audits in accordance with government auditing standards as adopted by the Florida Board of Accountancy.

  • Hosting Services means the provision, administration, and maintenance of servers and related equipment, the provision of bandwidth at the hosting facility, and the operation of the Application for access by Customer Users to be provided by the relevant hosting service provider.