Examples of Personal Investment Policy in a sentence
All Covered Persons and Directors are required to certify annually that they have (i) read and understand this policy and recognize that they are subject to its terms and conditions, (ii) complied with the requirements of this policy and (iii) disclosed or reported all personal securities accounts and transactions required to be disclosed or reported pursuant to this Code of Ethics and Personal Investment Policy.
The Legal / Compliance Department shall report all material violations of this Code of Ethics and Personal Investment Policy to LAM’s Chief Executive Officer or General Counsel who may impose such sanctions as deemed appropriate, including, among other things, a letter of censure, fine or suspension or termination of the employment of the violator.
LAM's Chief Executive Officer has appointed the Chief Compliance Officer as the person who shall be responsible for the implementation of this Code of Ethics and Personal Investment Policy and all record-keeping functions mandated hereunder, including the review of all initial and annual holding reports as well as the quarterly transactions reports described below.
I understand the provisions of the Personal Investment Policy as described therein and agree to abide by them.
All Covered Persons are required to certify annually via the Financial Tracking System that they have (i) read and understand this Policy and recognize that they are subject to its terms and conditions, (ii) complied with the requirements of this policy and (iii) disclosed or reported all Personal Securities Accounts and transactions required to be disclosed or reported pursuant to this Code of Ethics and Personal Investment Policy.
The Compliance Department shall report all violations of this Code of Ethics and Personal Investment Policy to the LAM Chief Executives, who may impose such sanctions as they deem appropriate, including, among other things, a letter of censure, fine or suspension or termination of the employment of the violator.
The purpose of this Personal Investment Policy and related procedures is to advise Access Persons of their ethical and legal responsibilities with respect to Securities transactions that may involve (i) possible conflicts of interest with Advisory Clients, including the OFS Funds, and (ii) the possession and use of material, nonpublic information (“MNPI”).
In addition to the general principles of conduct set forth above and the Personal Investment Policy described below, the Code requires all Employees to comply with applicable laws, regulations and rules.
The Personal Investment Policy also deals with the types of conflict of interest situations that the U.S. federal securities laws address.
The Personal Investment Policy requires that all Employees adhere to this general principle as well as comply with all of the specific provisions of the Personal Investment Policy that are applicable to them.