Examples of Personal Vehicle Use in a sentence
The Personal Vehicle Use Authorization form is available electronically on the DOA State Employee Travel webpage.
Cllrs agreed that the Plymouth University op- tion was the most cost-effective and that it also keeps the work local.It was proposed by SC, seconded by NH and RESOLVEDTo approve a budget of £150 for transcribing the Parish Council meeting on 13.2.18, as necessary, and to be completed by the transcriber at Plymouth University.
All staff must be compliant with the Hospital’s Policy on Personal Vehicle Use by Staff for SickKids Business ==> prior to using a personal vehicle for business use.
Personal Vehicle Use of Red LightsRed lights may be purchased at the member’s expense.
Personal Vehicle Use: Employees who use their personal vehicle for Town business must ensure that their vehicle is properly insured, and that they have a valid driver's license.
Personal Vehicle Use: Mileage will be reimbursed at the Federal rate.• Out of state travel may be reimbursed at the least expensive rate for driving versus flying.
When driving a personal vehicle, drivers must follow the requirements in the Personal Vehicle Use administrative regulation and the vehicle must be insured.
Personal Injury/Property Benefits 65 Personal Leave 32 Personal Property Benefits 65 Personal Vehicle, Use of for District Business 65 Personnel Files, Right to View 7 Placement of Excessed Educational Assistants 58 Postings - Jobs.
The reduced standard IRS mileage rate is referred to as the "Standard Rate."For calendar year 2020, the Montana standard rate is 27.7 cents per mile, based on the IRS standard mileage rate of 57.5 cents per mile.To be eligible to receive mileage reimbursement for use of a private vehicle for official state business, the Personal Vehicle Use Authorization Form must be completed and approved prior to travel.
CL271099 (January 2013): A total of 291 miles were claimed and 281 miles were reimbursed, but Google maps disclosed the shortest route for each trip claimed was 240 or a difference of 41 miles or $23.17 more than the shortest route as prescribed by County of Onondaga Department of Audit & Control – Reimbursement for Personal Vehicle Use, Regulation 300-1 (12/95), effective 3/1/96.