Persons with Special Needs means Person with special needs as defined in Section 420.0004(13), F.S.
Persons with disabilities means persons who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others;
Residential facility for persons with a disability means a residence:
Processes with Significant Environmental Aspects means the Equipment which, during regular operation or if not properly operated or maintained, may cause or are likely to cause an adverse effect.
Friable asbestos material means any material that contains more than 1% asbestos by weight and that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder when dry, by hand pressure.
Business with which he is associated means any business of which a public servant or his relative is an officer, director, owner, partner, employee or is a holder of more than ten percent (10%) of the fair market value or from which he or his relative derives more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) in annual income or over which such public servant or his relative exercises control.
Autism spectrum disorders means any of the pervasive developmental disorders as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, published by the American Psychiatric Association, including autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.
Housing for Older Persons means housing:
blocking means the marking of stored personal data with the aim of limiting their processing in future.
Positive Behavioral Theory and Practice means a proactive approach to individual behavior and behavior interventions that:
Unreasonable adverse effects on the environment means any unreasonable risk to humans or the environment, taking into account the economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits of the use of any pesticide.
Working With Children Check or WWCC means the process in place pursuant to Relevant Legislation to screen an individual for fitness to work with Children.
Off-highway implement of husbandry means the same as that term is defined in Section 41-22-2.
Severe forms of trafficking in persons means— (1) Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or
Injury means accidental physical bodily harm excluding illness or disease solely and directly caused by external, violent and visible and evident means which is verified and certified by a Medical Practitioner.
Adoptive home means the place of residence of any natural person in which a child resides as a
Fluoroscopic imaging assembly means a subsystem in which X-ray photons produce a visual image. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly.
Infection means the entry and development or multiplication of an infectious agent in the body of humans and animals that may constitute a public health risk;
Permanent Supportive Housing means voluntary, flexible supports to help individuals with psychiatric disabilities choose, get, and keep housing that is decent, safe, affordable, and integrated into the community. Tenants have access to an array of services that help them keep their housing, such as case management, assistance with daily activities, conflict resolution, and crisis response consistent with evidence-based practice standards published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Diagnostic mammography means a method of screening that
Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder means medically necessary assessments, evaluations, or tests
Disinfection means a process which inactivates pathogenic organisms in water by chemical oxidants or equivalent agents.
PCBs means polychlorinated biphenyls.
Asbestos means the asbestiform varieties of serpentinite (chrysotile), riebeckite (crocidolite), cummingtonite-grunerite, anthophyllite, and actinolite-tremolite.
Public Improvements means only the following improvements: housing facilities; garbage disposal plants; rubbish disposal plants; incinerators; transportation systems, including plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with those systems; sewage disposal systems, including sanitary sewers, combined sanitary and storm sewers, plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with the collection, treatment, or disposal of sewage or industrial wastes; storm water systems, including storm sewers, plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with the collection, treatment, or disposal of storm water; water supply systems, including plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with obtaining a water supply, the treatment of water, or the distribution of water; utility systems for supplying light, heat, or power, including plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with those systems; approved cable television systems, approved cable communication systems, or telephone systems, including plants, works,
Disinfection profile means a summary of daily Giardia lamblia inactivation through the treatment plant. The procedure for developing a disinfection profile is contained in s. NR 810.34.