Examples of PII in a sentence
In addition to complying with HUD regulations, contractors and subcontractors are obligated to protect all other PI, PII, or Sensitive PII (hereinafter identified as Protected Information) obtained on behalf of the County pursuant to this agreement consistent with the California Information Practices Act of 1977 (California Civil Code §§ 1798 et seq.).
CONTRACTOR agrees to give notification of any beach of unsecured DHCS PI 27 and PII or security incident in accordance with Subparagraph F, of the Business Associate Contract, 28 Exhibit B to the Contract.
Permitted Uses and Disclosures of County PI and PII by Contractor Except as otherwise indicated in this Exhibit, Contractor may use or disclose Protected Information only to perform functions, activities or services for or on behalf of the County pursuant to the terms of this Agreement provided that such use or disclosure would not violate this agreement.
SUBRECIPIENT shall certify that all employees, agents, officers 24 and subcontractors have received privacy and security training before accessing any PII and have 25 received refresher training annually, as required by the Agreements.
SUBRECIPIENT shall use appropriate administrative, physical, and 20 technical safeguards to protect PII, as set forth in the Agreements.