Examples of Planning portion in a sentence
Directors appointed to liaison committees shall agendize items requiring Board direction under the Agenda Planning portion of the agenda.
For a list of UNC-Chapel Hill’s recycling programs and detailed information about planning needs for these programs, see the Outdoor Service Area section of the Site and Space Planning portion of the OWRR design guidelines.
Director Williams works in the Professional Standards, Policy and Planning portion of NCDPS.
The specific amount required for additional phases is currently unknown but will be developed in the Remedial Action Plan and Reuse Planning portion of the Assessment process.
The Crisis Planning portion of the program began almost two (2) years ago and is actively serving clients.
The Alaska State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) was originally established by the Federal Government under the Emergency Planning and Community Planning portion (Title III) of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) in 1986.
Would a firm that participates in the Strategic Planning portion of this RFP, as a prime or subcontractor, be prevented from participating in any future implementation of the work it has consulted on?Answer:The primary scope of this RFP is not consultation.
The Subrecipient represents that since the Agreement and the complementary Agreement 22- 2 339 were executed, both programs have completed the Design and Planning portion of their respective 3 Agreements and were simultaneously advertised to receive bids.
TRP Advisory Services will prepare a written goals-based Financial Plan for clients enrolled in the Financial Planning portion of the Service.
A thorough examination of permanency placement options can be found in the Permanency Planning portion of the Family Services Manual Volume I, Chapter IV: 1201 – Child Placement Services but portions of that text are also discussed here: Although there is never a guarantee of permanence, it is the intention that all work with the child, the family, the community, and the agencies involved targets a plan that supports permanence.