PM definition
Examples of PM in a sentence
In addition, each Friday, not later than 3 P.M. E.D.T., the Office of the Commissioner shall notify the Association, by facsimile transmission, of all waiver requests and their disposition.
To address air pollutant concentrations generated by existing and projected traffic volumes on the I-5, the HRA will analyze particulate matter (PM) and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations on the site.
In the event the Club and Player reach agreement on salary before the arbitration panel reaches a decision, the matter shall be deemed withdrawn from arbi- tration; provided, however, that any agreements that have not been reported both to the Association and the LRD by 1 P.M. Eastern Time on the Exchange Date shall not be confirmed until after the Club and Player exchange numbers.
The posting shall be dated the first day if it is posted, and shall announce that there is a deadline of 3:00 PM on the fifth (5th) calendar day from the date of the posting in which Dispatchers can submit their bids.
Per City standards, peak-hour traffic counts will be conducted for one day between 7 AM and 10 AM, and between 4:30 PM and 7:30 PM.