Point of destination definition

Point of destination means the place where the goods are unloaded;
Point of destination means the exact place where the cotton is delivered to the person who has ordered it, or is delivered to his agent, and where the carrier's responsibility ends.
Point of destination means the location as specified in the relevant Advise.

Examples of Point of destination in a sentence

  • For example, the adjective blizkij ‘close’ in its literal spatial meaning can bear arguments marked either as Point of destination (9) or as Initial point (10)—the latter class of examples is probably not a prototype for this adjective, but it does occur in the Russian National Corpus and has therefore been included into our survey.

  • If the Carrier pursuant to the aforementioned article IX:- cancels a flight;- a flight does not land at the Passengers’ Point of destination;- is unable to offer the previously confirmed destination; the refund will consist of the following amount: a.

  • Over the last decade cities across the country have made significant investments in improved bicycle facilities, including infrastructure such as:„ Bike lanes„ Cycle tracks84„ Bicycle boulevards and marked on-street routes85„ Point of destination facilities (e.g., bicycle racks, secure bike storage, and even shower facilities)A number of studies have shown that bicycle lanes lead to higher biking rates.

More Definitions of Point of destination

Point of destination. Means the point or location appointed by the User in the Service request and documented by KCSM in the Shipment Guide, finishing the rendering of the Service whether in public tracks, auxiliary tracks, spurs or installation of the Consignee or third parties or the Point of Exchange with another railroad in which KCSM must deliver the Freight, ceasing in this moment its liability regarding the Services.
Point of destination means a facility generally equipped to provide the needed medical or nursing care for the injury, illness, symptoms, or complaint involved.
Point of destination means the exact place where the cotton is delivered to
Point of destination means the exact place where the cotton is delivered tothe person who has ordered it, or is delivered to his agent, and where the carrier's responsibility ends. 60 ‘Point of origin’ means the exact place where the carrier or his agent receives the cotton and where the carrier’s responsibility begins. 61 ‘Prompt’ means within 14 days (two weeks). 62 ‘Shipment’ means the loading of cotton onto any means of transport for delivery from the seller or his agent to the buyer, or to a carrier who can provide a bill of lading or a combined transport document. 63 ‘Shipper's load and count’ means the shipper is responsible for the contents of the container. 64 ‘Shipping’ or ‘shipped’ means loading or loaded for shipment. 65 ‘Shipping documents’ means the document of title showing how the cotton is to be shipped under the contract. 66 ‘Strikes, riots and civil commotions insurance’ means insurance against the risks set out in the Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo) or Institute Strikes Clauses (Commodity Trades), or similar clauses of other first-class insurance markets. 67 ‘Tare’ means the weight of wrapping, bands, ropes or wires used to cover cotton bales. 68 ‘To house’, ‘to container yard’ and ‘to door’ mean delivery to the warehouse or mill selected by the person who booked the freight. 69 ‘To pier’, ‘to container freight station’ and ‘to container base’ mean that the carrier will unload (de-van) at his warehouse in the port of destination, in a container freight station or container base. 70 ‘Usual control limit’ and ‘UCL’ mean the variation allowed in readings to account for the normal variation expected from different instruments, even if the same cotton is used. 71 ‘War risks insurance’ means insurance against the risks set out in the Institute War Clauses (Cargo) or Institute War Clauses (Commodity Trades), or similar clauses of other first-class insurance markets.
Point of destination means the location within the Territory for shipment of the Implants as designated by Zimmer in the applicable Firm Order.
Point of destination means the precise location where property is delivered into the custody of the consignee or its agent.
Point of destination means a final PA in the transportation route (point of oil handover to the Consignee); OIL TRANSPORTATION APPLICATION shall mean a document on the amount of oil to be transported next month; OIL TRANSPORTATION ORDER shall mean the Consignor's instructions given to Transneft for the transportation of specific amounts of oil in compliance with a monthly application; OIL ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE shall mean a document executed by the accepting and handing over parties to confirm the handover and acceptance of oil; and TRANSPORTATION shall mean Transneft's services for fulfillment of the order and the dispatching process, acceptance, pumping, transshipment, handling and handover of the Consignor's oil.