Examples of Polar waters in a sentence
AFFIRM the strong support for safe and environmentally friendly shipping in Polar waters and other vulnerable marine areas and HIGHLIGHT the need for effective implementation of the IMO Polar Code.
Hortatory (ATCM) At ATCM XXVII the Parties adopted Decision 4(2004), agreeing to transmit Guidelines for ships operating in Polar waters for consideration by IMO.
The development of a Polar Code should ensure that the highest possible safety and environmental standards are applied for all vessels operating in Polar waters.
Hortatory (IMO) Guidelines for ships operating in Polar waters adopted by IMO in December 2009.
Recommendation XVIII-1 (1994) General Guidelines for Visitors to the Antarctic (Resolution 3 (2011)) Hortatory (IMO) Guidelines for ships operating in Polar waters adopted by IMO in December 2009.