Examples of Pollutant of concern in a sentence
Only include Pollutant of concern data for outfalls that discharge into stormwater impaired waterbodies.
Only include Pollutant of concern data for outfalls that discharge into stormwater impaired waterbodies.The outfalls on campus have been investigated and no dry weather flows have been identified.NOTE- due to equipment malfunction, field temperature measurements were not collected for the Oct.
Only include Pollutant of concern data for outfalls that discharge into stormwater impaired waterbodies.Table 2.1a - Class AA Impaired Waterbody Samples Outfall ID Table 2.1b - Class SA & SB Impaired Waterbody Samples Outfall ID Table 2.1c - Non-Impaired Waterbody Samples Outfall ID Latitude LongitudeSample DateTemp (oC)Conductivity (umhos/cm)Salinity (g/kg)Ammonia (mg/L)Chlorine (mg/L)MBAs(mg/L)E.
To carry out the workforce activations as described above, the LCO will provide all necessary workforce development for the Response Corps members, specifically focusing on an Earn-and-Learn model with a goal of ensuring career sustainability.
Only include Pollutant of concern data for outfalls that discharge into stormwater impaired waterbodies.NOTE: A contracted monitoring program is in place for sampling to commence Spring 2020.