Port Authorities Act definition
Examples of Port Authorities Act in a sentence
The Fremantle Port Authority continues under the Port Authorities Act 1999.
The Authority’s credit risk management is further supported by rental agreements and sections 116 & 117 of the Port Authorities Act 1999.
This general purpose financial report has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views and the Port Authorities Act 1999.
Under Section 84 (2) of the Port Authorities Act 1999, the Board recommends a dividend to the Minister after reporting date and the dividend is subject to the Minister’s subsequent approval.
The clause is based on section 38 of the Port Authorities Act 1999.
Under the Port Authorities Act, the definition of an “exempt master” is the “master” or “first mate” of a vessel that holds a pilot exemption certificate.Pilot Exemption Certificates are granted to the First Mate of a vessel, with the view of the Mate being promoted to Master in the near future.The First Mate is permitted to sit for his PEC Examination upon completion of eight (8) movements under a PEC Master.
Reserve Price of the Tender Variable is the monthly license fee as per the Scale of Rates (SoR) as approved by the Tariff Authority for Major Ports (TAMP) or any other Competent Authority in accordance with the Major Port Authorities Act, 2021, which is stated in the price bid.
In these Port Standards and Procedures: Act means the Port Authorities Act 1999 (WA).
Importantly the short, medium and long term directions will be in accordance with the functions established in the Port Authorities Act (1999) with planning focused on the long term needs of the region and the need for the Port’s future growth while minimising the impact on the community.
However, it should be noted that this exemption extends only so far as approbated by the Port Authorities Act 1999 and the Public Works Act 1902.