Examples of Potential Energy in a sentence
For variable resources where Power Possible is derived, in part or in whole, from a measured available variable energy source such as solar or wind: To the extent available, the Parties shall use Seller's real time Power Possible communicated to Company through the SCADA System except to the extent that the Potential Energy does not accurately reflect the actual available active power at the Point of Interconnection (plus or minus 0.1 MW).
An Improved Empirical Potential Energy Function for Molecular Simulations of Phospholipids.
After a classical preprocessing phase to clean the raw multivariate time series data, a set of feature vectors corresponding to the energy metrics detailed in [112] are computed, such as the Specific Total Energy (STE) or the Specific Potential Energy (SPE).
Kinetic and Potential Energy, Total Energy and their time averages.
Potential Energy Production and Economic Impacts on Created Jobs a Data assume a maximum usable area of 2,000 acres.b Number of average American households that could hypothetically be powered by the PV system assuming 11,040 kWh/year/household.c Job-years created as a result of project capital investment including direct, indirect, and induced jobs.