Examples of Power Factor Requirements in a sentence
After draining, the arm and connected piping would be purged with nitrogen again.
Power Factor: A storage product PSU shall meet power factor requirements as specified in Table 2.Table 2: Power Factor Requirements for PSUsPSU Type iii.
As an investment company (predominantly) the Company has no direct material exposure to environmental or social sustainability risks.
Power Factor Requirements Automatic power factor control at the intertie is required by PID276.
Individual Generating Facility Power Factor Requirements Please refer to the Technical Requirements section above.
Power Factor Requirements Where specified in Schedule 22, 23 or 25, generators, and ETUs and their Interconnection Facilities, which are capable of voltage control, are required to be capable of a composite power delivery at their maximum rated power output (maximum MW) at the Point of Interconnection (or at the high side of the station transformer in the case of a wind generating facility) at both the power factor of 0.95 leading and 0.95 lagging.
GEN-2003-004 Plot for Fault 1 – 3 phase fault on the Sweetwater to Wheeler 230 kV line, near Sweetwater4.2 Power Factor Requirements All stability faults were tested as power flow contingencies to determine the power factor requirements for the wind farm study projects to maintain scheduled voltage at their respective points of interconnection (POI).
The addition of provisions for Wholesale Distribution Service and Power Factor Requirements reflect provisions in the transaction specification sheets for Midwest ISO’s existing pro forma service agreements.21 However, we find that Midwest ISO has failed to revise section 23.2 in compliance with Order No. 890.
Borrower’s income certification: Once again the purchaser will certify there have been no changes in income, debt or marital status since making application.
Hence, for B≥B*, the first-period incentive compatibility constraint faced by banks becomes tighter as B increases and A decreases.