PPOA definition

PPOA wherever appearing means The Public Procurement Oversight Authority or its successor(s) and assign(s) where the context so admits.
PPOA means the Power Purchase and Operating Agreement dated as of February 20, 1997, between Buyer and Electric Customer covering the supply of electrical capacity and energy to Electric Customer from the Facility for a period of thirty (30) years commencing on the Commercial Operation Date.
PPOA means the Power Purchase and Operating Agreement dated March 10, 1995, as amended, between PREPA and the Partnership.

Examples of PPOA in a sentence

  • The bid security must be in form of a certified cheque, bank draft, an irrevocable letter of credit or a guarantee from a reputable Bank/ Insurance approved by PPOA located in the Republic of Kenya Clause 16.2 of Instruction to Tenderers, “the unconditional Tender surety shall be in Kenya shillings and be in form of a certified cheque, bank draft, an irrevocable letter of credit or a guarantee from a reputable Bank/ Insurance approved by PPOA located in the Republic of Kenya.

  • After numerous delays by PREPA and failed attempts by the Company through emails and correspondence to PREPA requesting the interconnection evaluation and issuance of a project specific PPOA for Montalva, the Company filed a Notice of Default under the Master Agreement with PREPA on September 24, 2014.

  • His base fee will be reduced to US$5,000 per month until such time as a PPOA for a project has been executed with PREPA or other such milestone has occurred as determined by the board.

  • The Company has met with PREPA representatives in 2019 and the negotiations are ongoing.On May 19, 2020, the Company announced that it has reached agreement with the PREPA on a 25-year PPOA for the development, construction, and operation of the Montalva solar project.

  • Under the terms of the Master Agreement, the Company filed its 100 MW AC Montalva Solar Project with PREPA on September 5, 2013, requesting an interconnection evaluation and issuance of a project specific PPOA for Montalva.

  • The Company completed the MIPSA on September 12, 2014 (the "Acquisition Date"), the Company now owns 100% of AG .Under the terms of the Master Agreement, the Company filed its 100 MW AC Montalva Solar Project with PREPA on September 5, 2013, requesting an interconnection evaluation and issuance of a project specific PPOA for Montalva.

  • On December 7, 2020, the Company entered into a further extension to December 31, 2021 to make option payments: US $20,000 within 30 days of signing of the agreement, additional US $20,000 within 30 days, but in no event prior to June 1, 2021, of signing by PPOA with PREPA.The Lajas Farm option agreement is comprised of three separate lease agreements.

  • On May 28, 2020, the Governing Board of PREPA approved the contract.On August 7, 2020, the Company received unanimous approval from the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau and the Montalva PPOA moved on to final approval by the Puerto Puerto Rico Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB).

  • The address of PPOA for submitting complaints: Director General, Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA) 11th Floor National Bank Building, Harambee Avenue , P.O. Box 58535-00200 NAIROBI, Kenya.

  • Under the PPDA, the Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA) has been established, in addition to the Public Procurement Directorate in the National Treasury.

More Definitions of PPOA

Related to PPOA

  • POA means each property owners’ association or similar timeshare owner body for a Vacation Ownership Interest Regime or Resort or portion thereof, in each case established pursuant to the declarations, articles or similar charter documents applicable to each such Vacation Ownership Interest Regime, Resort or portion thereof.

  • CFPOA means the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Canada), as amended.

  • MIC A mortgage insurance certificate issued by HUD.

  • CDC means Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • Medical cannabis card means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.

  • PPO means a preferred provider organization.

  • aepaccmeצc means the department of public health.

  • Participating Hospice Care Program Provider means a Hospice Care Program Provider that either: (i) has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield to provide services to participants in this benefits program, or; (ii) a Hospice Care Program Provider which has been designated by a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan as a Participating Provider Option program.

  • AGC or “Automatic Generation Control” means the equipment and capability of an electric generation facility to automatically adjust the generation quantity.

  • UMDAP means the Uniform Method of Determining Ability to Pay and refers to the 20 method used for determining the annual Consumer liability for Mental Health Services received from 21 the COUNTY mental health system and is set by the State of California.

  • ODMHSAS means the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

  • MD&A means management’s discussion and analysis;

  • NDRC means the National Development and Reform Commission of the PRC or its local counterparts;

  • Non-Participating Hospice Care Program Provider means a Hospice Care Program Provider that either: (i) does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield to provide services to participants in this benefits program, or; (ii) a Hospice Care Program Provider which has not been designated by a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan as a Participating Provider Option program.

  • CMC means Comprehensive maintenance Contract (labour, spare and preventive maintenance)

  • Main Contractor means the contractor with a direct contractual relationship with the employer of the construction contract.

  • EDC means Export Development Canada.

  • MHSA means the law that provides funding for expanded community Mental Health 22 Services. It is also known as “Proposition 63.”

  • PSC means the New York State Public Service Commission.

  • CDDP means "Community Developmental Disabilities Program".

  • Support Services Policy means Elastic’s support services policy for a Product, as further described at a URL referenced in an applicable Addendum.

  • SPD means State Purchasing Division of the New Mexico State General Services Department.

  • IPA means Independent Public Accountant.

  • Consortium Plan Consortium Plan means the description of the Action and the related agreed budget as first defined in the Grant Agreement and which may be updated by the General Assembly.

  • Main Contract means the contract between the Contractor and the Employer for the completion of the Works;