Examples of SPD in a sentence
Present Retirees will receive benefits under the Optional Life Insurance Program if they make required premium contributions and if they meet the eligibility requirements set forth in the Life Insurance Program SPD.
LACMTA shall provide, subject to the terms of the Annual Work Plan, its fullest support to the Design/Build Contractor allowing and assisting the Design/Build Contractor to conduct the SPD and any other activities leading to final acceptance under the Design/Build Contract.
CP will use the confidentially code metadata attribute to tag registry entries in the P3N XDS Registry as anything but Normal (“N”) when registering clinical documents with the presence of Super Protected Data (SPD).
Claims for hospital stays which commenced and pregnancies which occurred prior to the Effective Date will be paid as described in the Health Benefit Program SPD.
LACMTA shall assist in the oversight of the SPD (as described above) that occurs during revenue operations and under the direction of LACMTA’s Operations staff, as well as providing input regarding the other conditions to final acceptance under the Design/Build Contract.