Preferred Provider Agreement definition
Examples of Preferred Provider Agreement in a sentence
Blue Shield may reject an application to be a Preferred Provider, or may terminate the participation as a Preferred Provider, in accordance with the terms of the Preferred Provider Agreement, these Regulations and/or Administrative Requirements.
The provisions contained in Part III of these Regulations are applicable to all current and former active versions of the PremierBlue Shield Preferred Provider Agreement, regardless of their title.
A Provider’s participation with Blue Shield as a Preferred Provider shall continue until such time as the Preferred Provider Agreement is terminated by either party in accordance with the terms of the Preferred Provider Agreement.
The participation of any Provider as a Preferred Provider shall be effective upon acceptance by Blue Shield of Provider’s application, Provider’s satisfaction of all applicable credentialing criteria, and execution of the Preferred Provider Agreement by Blue Shield.
The explanation of benefits shall include at a minimum, a listing of billed charges, the charges as adjusted under a Preferred Provider Agreement, charges not eligible, charges paid, deductible applied, calculation of rate paid, listing of payees and amounts, the amount to be paid by the Participant including the amount of any balance billing liability, and the reason for ineligibility or denial if applicable.
The provisions in Sections 2.3 of the Participating Provider Agreement, the Preferred Provider Agreement, and/or the Government Sponsored Programs Provider Agreement as applicable; Sections 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5, 6, 9, and 12 of Part I of these Regulations; and Section 2 of Part II of these Regulations; and Section 6 of Part III of these Regulations; and Section 2 of Part IV of these Regulations shall survive the termination of this Agreement, regardless of the cause giving rise to such termination.
As promptly as practicable, Project Manager will report in writing any safety-related injury, loss, damage or accident arising from the Work to Owner’s Designated Representative and, to the extent mandated by legal requirements, to all government or quasi-government authorities having jurisdiction over safety-related matters involving the Project or the Work.
Preferred Provider acknowledges and reaffirms the hold harmless provision in Section 5.11 of Part I of these Regulations and agrees that such provision shall survive the termination of the Preferred Provider Agreement and is to be construed for the benefit of the Members.
The termination would be effective thirty days after AWSF provided written notice unless GeoMet cured the default.On October 1, 2013, GeoMet and AWSF executed the STORM 001 Contract referenced in the Preferred Provider Agreement.
Consequently, AWSF notified GeoMet that it was (1) terminating the Storm 001 Contract and discontinuing performance under the contract and (2) terminating the Preferred Provider Agreement on the condition that GeoMet did not cure the breach within thirty days.