Prepenalty Notice definition
Examples of Prepenalty Notice in a sentence
Any respondent (or poten- tial respondent in the case of a pending Prepenalty Notice) may request, in writing, that the Director withhold issuance of any such notice, or grant an extension of time to respond to any such Notice, for a period not to exceed 60 days for the exclusive purpose of ef- fecting settlement.
The Director shall cause any Prepenalty Notice, Penalty Notice, Ac- knowledgment of Hearing Request, Order Instituting Proceedings, and other related orders and decisions, or any amendments or supplements there- to, to be served upon the respondent.
In addition, or as an al- ternative, to a written response to a Prepenalty Notice, the respondent or respondent’s representative may seek settlement of the alleged violation(s).
In the event of settlement prior to the issuance of a Penalty No- tice, the claim proposed in the Prepenalty Notice will be withdrawn and the respondent will not be required to make a written response to the Prepenalty Notice.
The response need not be in any particular form, but must be type- written and contain the heading ‘‘Re- sponse to Prepenalty Notice’’ and the Office of Foreign Assets Control identi- fication number shown near the top of the Prepenalty Notice.
In the event no set- tlement is reached, a written response to the Prepenalty Notice is required pursuant to paragraph (c) of this sec- tion.
The Prepenalty Notice shall inform the re- spondent of respondent’s right, if a sub- sequent Penalty Notice is issued, to re- quest an administrative hearing.
If after considering any written re- sponse to the Prepenalty Notice sub- mitted pursuant to § 501.707 and any other relevant facts, the Director de- termines that there was no violation or that the violation does not warrant the imposition of a civil monetary penalty, the Director promptly shall notify the respondent in writing of that deter- mination and that no civil monetary penalty pursuant to this subpart will be imposed.
The response need not be in any particular form, but must be typewritten and contain the heading ‘‘Response to Prepenalty Notice’’ and the Office of Foreign Assets Control identification number shown near the top of the Prepenalty Notice.
An Adminis- trative Law Judge may take corrective measures at any stage of a proceeding to cure a conflict of interest in rep- resentation, including the issuance of an order limiting the scope of represen- tation or disqualifying an individual from appearing in a representative ca- pacity for the duration of the pro- ceeding.§ 501.705 Service and filing.(a) Service of Prepenalty Notice, Pen- alty Notice, Ackno ledgment of Hearing Request and Order Instituting Pro- ceedings.