Prescribed fire definition

Prescribed fire means any fire ignited by management actions to meet specific objectives, and includes naturally-ignited wildland fires managed for resource benefits.
Prescribed fire. Any fire intentionally ignited by management actions in accordance with applicable laws, policies, and regulations to meet specific objectives. Prevention: Activities directed at reducing the incidence of fires, including public education, law enforcement, personal contact and reduction of fuel hazards (fuels management).
Prescribed fire. The planned use of fire on wildlands to accomplish specific objectives including reducing fire hazard, providing flood protection, enhancing wildlife and fisheries, or improving water yields and/or air quality. PROTECTING PARTY: The PARTY responsible for providing direct wildland fire protection to a given area pursuant to this agreement. RECIPROCAL FIRE PROTECTION (MUTUAL AID): Automatic initial attack response by suppression resources as specified in the Annual Operating Plan for specific pre-planned initial attack response areas and provided at no cost to the PROTECTING PARTY for the specified mutual aid period. Aid is limited to those resources or move-up and cover assignments that have been determined to be appropriate in the Annual Operation Plan. REIMBURSABLE WORK: Reinforcements exceeding reciprocal fire protection services furnished by either PARTY, at the request of the other, or fire protection furnished as a chargeable cooperative fire protection service REPAIR OF SUPPRESSION ACTIVITY DAMAGE: Those activities undertaken by fire suppression forces during or immediately after the control of a wildfire to insure the prevention of erosion or to repair other damages resulting from fire suppression activities. SUPPORTING PARTY: The PARTY directly contributing suppression, rescue, support or service resources to the PARTY possessing direct fire protection responsibility for the area upon which an incident is located.

Examples of Prescribed fire in a sentence

  • Prescribed fire was applied to 70,111 acres, which is a substantial decrease from the AF average of 114,160 acres, due to COVID-19 restrictions.

More Definitions of Prescribed fire

Prescribed fire. Or “Prescribed Burn” or “PB” means any fire ignited by any person to meet specific land management objectives. For the purposes of 20.11.21 NMAC, wildland fire use is considered a prescribed fire.
Prescribed fire means a controlled fire applied to forest, brush, or grassland vegetative fuels under specified environmental conditions and precautions which cause the fire to be confined to a predetermined area and allow accomplishment of the planned land management objectives. It also is known as ‘controlled burn’.
Prescribed fire means a forest or land management practice using fire, applied in a knowledgeable manner to naturally occurring fuels on a specific land area under selected weather conditions to accomplish predetermined, well-defined management objectives.[PL 2013, c. 130,
Prescribed fire and “prescribed burning” are defined as planned ignition of fire within wildlands to accomplish specific objectives. These objectives may include, but are not limited to reduction of hazardous fuel accumulation, reduction of fire hazard, or providing for ecological restoration or ecosystem sustainability for the purposes of flood protection, wildlife and fisheries enhancement, watershed management, water yield improvement, preservation of future significant air quality impacts from unplanned wildland fire, and forest, rangeland, and ecosystem health. This Supplemental Agreement also provides a mandatory template for the Project Specific Agreement and Operating Plan for the Agencies’ use in performing prescribed fire or other fuels management related projects as provided for in Provisions 23 and 27 and Exhibit D of the CFMA. All parties agree to the terms and conditions provided in the template.
Prescribed fire means the application of fire in accordance with a written prescription for vegetative fuels and excludes a controlled agricultural burn.
Prescribed fire means a controlled fire applied to forest, brush, or grassland vegetative fuels under specified environmental conditions and precautions which cause the fire to be confined to a predetermined area and allow accomplishment of the planned
Prescribed fire or “prescribed burn” or “PB” means any fire ignited by any person to