Mutual Aid means a homeland security activity, as defined by Government Code 421.001, performed under the system or a written mutual aid agreement.
Mutual Aid means emergency interagency assistance provided
Mutual Aid means a plan established pursuant to section 7 of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act under which fire departments that serve a designated area agree to assist each other on a reciprocal basis in the event of a major fire or emergency.
Examples of Mutual Aid in a sentence
All assistance beyond this "Mutual Aid" period will be assistance by hire and will be billed retroactively for the full period from the time of initial dispatch.
All assistance beyond this Mutual Aid period will be Assistance by Hire and will be billed retroactively for the full period from the time of initial dispatch.
Except for Mutual Aid, all requests for fire suppression assistance in either Party’s DPA shall be Assistance by Hire.
Mutual Aid is limited to those Initial Attack resources or move-up and cover assignments that have been determined to be appropriate in the annual Operating Plans.
Transport & Evacuation and Mutual Aid arrangements will be available in the factory.
More Definitions of Mutual Aid
Mutual Aid means assistance by providing, upon request, emergency resources to another Party outside the jurisdictional boundaries of the Party that provides the emergency resources;
Mutual Aid means an agreement, preferably in writing, between two or more services that addresses how and under what circumstances each service will respond to a request for assistance in situations that exhaust available resources.
Mutual Aid means a formal written agreement between two or more EMS organizations to assist in emergency medical coverage in the other's usual area of coverage, including having access to dangerous drugs during the emergency.
Mutual Aid means a program to provide/receive assistance in the case of a major emergency in a municipality, community or area where resources in a municipality, community or area have been depleted, but does not include Automatic Aid;
Mutual Aid means a homeland security activity, as defined by Government Code 421.001, performed under the system or a writ- ten mutual aid agreement. Gov’t Code 418.004(11)
Mutual Aid means emergency interagency assistance provided without compensation under an agreement between jurisdictions under chapter 39.34 RCW.
Mutual Aid means an agreement among ambulance services to assist one another across jurisdictional boundaries.