Examples of Preventable accident in a sentence
Their major role was to coordinate the work of NCSA project, send feedback to the TS on district and provincial activities under the NCSA and to identify appropriate capacity development interventions related to UNCBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC formulations at district and provincial levels.
Preventable accident" means the operator did not act reasonably to prevent the occurrence.
Although the outcomes of the experi- ments confirm the performance of the design technique, this approach might not be convenient for some drawbacks.
Preventable accident on the part of a motor carrier" means an accident that: (7-1-93)(1) i.
Preventable accidents of the following nature will automatically disqualify any candidates:▪ Preventable rollover▪ Preventable jackknife▪ Preventable rear-end collision▪ Preventable accident resulting in an injury or fatality▪ Any driver with an accumulation of two preventable accidents of any nature within 3 years will not be considered.