Previous contact definition

Previous contact means any notification of an impending audit pursuant to section 21(1), review, notice of intent to assess, or assessment. Previous contact also includes final letters of inquiry pursuant to section 21(2)(a) or a subpoena from the department.

Examples of Previous contact in a sentence

  • Previous contact should be made with the Director of the WHO CC Prof.

  • Previous contact indicated that 5/8-inch to ¾-inch, crushed stone was used as stemming with a minimum stemming length in rock of 30 inches.

  • At this time, we cannot use email to discuss the details of an application.Q6 Previous contact with CRAIf the organization has previously applied for charitable status and has received correspondence from us, give the reference number assigned to the organization by the Charities Directorate.

  • Previous contact was made by the owner Mr D Evans of 6 Norton Lane dated 28th December 2015 by letter to SCC querying the possibility of purchasing the land that has been identified within this application as SCC owned.

  • Examples include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Group Therapy, Family Therapy, etc.

  • To find out how UX factors affect the security and privacy of smart speaker users, we conducted semi-structured interviews with thirteen users of smart speakers.

  • The stakeholder analysis will help us consider:- broad categories of stakeholder- the interests and positions of each stakeholder- their relative importance, influence and interest in the issues / outcomes of the project- what they want from the process- what we want from them- When they need to be engaged, at what level and using what type of technique- Previous contact with and relationship to the Environment Agency and the issues- Individuals to contact and their contact details.

  • Previous contact tracing experience; access to or familiarity with emergency health records (EHRs) and/or database entry.All trainings are provided.

  • To help identify what number should be assigned to a successful applicant for registration as a charity, we need to know if an organization already has a BN with us.Q6 Previous contact with CRAIf the organization has previously applied for charitable status and has received correspondence from us, give the reference number assigned to the organization by the Charities Directorate.

  • Previous contact does not mean an initial Letter of Inquiry from Discoveryand Tax Enforcement ...............................................................................................................................................................................

Related to Previous contact

  • Direct contact means the contact of persons with high voltage live parts.

  • Designated Contact means, the designated contact for the Bank in the Jurisdiction, as set out in Annex I of Part A of these EB Services Terms and Conditions (as may be amended from time to time);

  • Primary Contact means any recreational or other water use in which there is prolonged and intimate human contact with the water, such as swimming and water skiing, involving considerable risk of ingesting water in quantities sufficient to pose a significant health hazard. Primary contact also means any use of surface waters of the state for cultural, religious or ceremonial purposes in which there is intimate human contact with the water, including but not limited to ingestion or immersion, that could pose a significant health hazard.

  • Sexual contact means any touching of an erogenous zone of another, including without limitation the thigh, genitals, buttock, pubic region, or, if the person is a female, a breast, for the purpose of sexually arousing or gratifying either person.

  • Material Contact means actual contact between Employee and a Customer with whom Employee dealt on behalf of the Company; or whose dealings with the Company were coordinated or supervised by Employee; or who received goods or services from the Company that resulted in payment of commissions or other compensation to Employee; or about whom Employee obtained Confidential Information because of Employee’s Employment with the Company.

  • Point of Contact means the individual designated to be a Vendor’s only contact with the DCH following the public advertisement of a solicitation or the issuance of a request for a bid, proposal, or quote, until the award of a resulting contract and resolution of a Protest, if applicable.

  • Business Contact Information means the names, mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of a party’s personnel, officers and directors and, with respect to Client, such information regarding Client’s vendors and customers that Accenture may have access to in maintaining the parties’ business relationship.

  • Contact Person means the Contractor's management level personnel who will work as liaison between the City and the Contractor and be available to respond to any problems that may arise in connection with Contractor's performance under the Contract.

  • Contact hour means an hour of training received through direct instruction.