Examples of Previously classified in a sentence
An employer does have a legitimate interest in restraining a former employee "from appropriating valuable trade information and customer relationships" acquired during employment.
Previously classified available-for-sale investments, now carried at fair value are exempt from impairment testing and gains or loss on sale are no longer recognised in profit or loss.
Previously classified as “available-for-sale” and as of 1 January 2018 classified as “Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income”.
Previously classified information that is declassified may be exempt from public disclosure under the FOIA, the Privacy Act, or various statutory confidentiality provisions.
Previously classified as held-to-maturity and as of 1 January 2018 classified as “measured at amortized cost”.
Previously classified financial-specific or certain 56-bit products are eligible for export and reexport to any end-users without an additional classification.
Previously classified operating leases under IAS17, were recognised as right-of-use assets and lease liabilities in the consolidated statement of financial position as at 1 July 2019.
Previously classified as ‘available-for-sale’, the Company has changed the classification of its marketable securities portfolio to fair value through profit and loss under IFRS 9.
Previously classified Serious, on April 2, 1996, the EPA corrected the classification of Beaumont/ Port Arthur to moderate (61 FR 14496).
Previously classified by the Washington State Department of Corrections as at a “high risk to reoffend,” on May 9, 2009, Clemmons assaulted two Pierce County sheriff’s deputies after exclaiming, “I’ll kill all you bitches.” He was released from jail the following day, without ever having seen a judge, after posting $1,700 with a local bail bondsman to satisfy his $40,000 bond on these assault charges.